CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-3-1040-262-13-P0007Figure 1-1. M33A1 Portable Riot Control Agent Disperser.Figure 1-2. Frame and harness assemblyFigure 1-3. Compressed Gas Cylinder (agent container assembly).Figure 1-4. Air Pressure AssemblyFigure 1-5. Gun assembly groupTabulated Data - TM-3-1040-262-13-P0013CHAPTER 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-3-1040-262-13-P0014On Site Replacement of Agent ContainerFigure 2-1. On Site Separation of Empty Agent Container Assembly from Frame and Harness AssemblyOn Site Replacement of Air CylinderCHAPTER 3 OPERATOR'S MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-3-1040-262-13-P0018Table 3-1. Operator's Preventive Maintenance Checks and ServicesTable 3-1. Operator's Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - Continued - TM-3-1040-262-13-P0020Table 3-1. Operator's Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - Continued - TM-3-1040-262-13-P0021Table 3-1. Operator's Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - Continued - TM-3-1040-262-13-P0022Table 3-2. Operator's Troubleshooting.Figure 4-1. Disperser Pack ChestFigure 4-2. Service Kit, M254.Section III. ORGANIZATIONAL PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICESSection IV. ORGANIZATIONAL TROUBLESHOOTINGTable 4-2 Organizational Troubleshooting-ContinuedFilling Agent Container Assembly with CR Liquid AgentFigure 4-3. Connections for checking pressure regulator settingFilling Agent Container With TalcFigure 4-4. Connections for Charging Air Cylinders from AN-M4 Series CompressorsSection VI. AFTER OPERATION SERVICESOPreparation of Decontaminating SolutionSection VII. GUN ASSRMBLY GROUPFigure 4-5. Gun, exploded viewSection VIII. COMPRESSED GAS CYLINDER (AGENT CONTAINER ASSEMBLY) GROUPAir CylinderFigure 4-6. Air pressure Assembly Group, Hose, .fanifold Coupler, Drain Cock, Cap, and Check Valve AssemblySection X. FRAME AND HARNESS ASSEMBLY GROUPCHAPTER 5 DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-3-1040-262-13-P0041APPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-3-1040-262-13-P0042APPENDIX B COMPONENTS OF END ITEM LIST - TM-3-1040-262-13-P0043Figure B-1. Basic issue items listAPPENDIX D MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-3-1040-262-13-P0045Explanation of Columns in Tool and Test Equipment Requirements - TM-3-1040-262-13-P0046SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR DISPERSER, RIOT CONITROL AGENT, PORTABLE, M33A1SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART FOR DISPERSER, RIOT CONTROL AGENT PORTABLE, M33A1SECTION III. TOOL AND TEST EQUIPMENT REQUIREMENTS - TM-3-1040-262-13-P0049APPENDIX E ORGANIZATION AND DIRECT SUPPORT MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LISTSSpecial Information - TM-3-1040-262-13-P0051Figure E-1. Gun assembly group, gunSECTION II. REPAIR PARTS LIST - TM-3-1040-262-13-P0053GROUP 100-GUN ASSEMBLY GROUP: 100-GUni ASSEMBLYFigure E-2. Gun assembly group, hose assemblyFigure E-3. Cylinder, compressed gas(agent container assembly) groupFigure E-4. Air pressure assembly group, regulator, hose and coupler assembliesFigure E-5. Air pressure assembly group, compressed gas cylinder (air cylinder).Figure E-6. Air pressure assembly group hose, manifold coupler, drain cock, cap and check value assembliesGROUP 300 - AIR PRESSURE ASSEMBLYGROUP 300 - AIR PRESSURE ASSEMBLY-CONT.Figure E-7. Frame and harness assembly groupGROUP 400 - FRAME AND HARNESS ASSEMBLYSection IV. NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-3-1040-262-13-P0065Section IV. NATIONAL STOCK NUMBER AND PART NUMBER INDEX - TM-3-1040-262-13-P0066Section II. LIST OF EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALSTM-3-1040-262-13-P Disperser Riot Control Agent Portable: M33A1 (NSN 1040-00-148-9824) Manual