CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION - TM-9-1375-213-120033Section II. DESCRIPTION AND DATA - TM-9-1375-213-120034Table 1-1. Demolition Material Data Table 1-1. Demolition Material Data - Continued - TM-9-1375-213-120037Table 1-1. Demolition Material Data - Continued - TM-9-1375-213-120038Table 1-2. Characteristics of Block and Roll Demolition ChargesFigure 1-3. Block demolition charge M5A1.Figure 1-4. Block demolition charge, M112Figure 1-5. Block demolition charge, M118.Figure 1-6. TNT block demolition chargesFigure 1-7. 40-pound cratering demolition chargeFigure 1-7.1. Container for the new 40-pound cratering demolition charge - first generation, second generation, and third generation.Figure 1-7.4. New 40-pound cratering demolition charge - third genearation. (Final configuration not available at this time.)Charge, Demolition: ShapedFigure 1-8. Roll demolition charge M186.Figure 1-9. Shaped demolition charge M2A3Explosive Demolition AccessoriesFigure 1-11. Demolition charge assembly, M183.Modernized Demolition Initiators (MDI) - TM-9-1375-213-120053Figure 1-11.1 - Modernized Demoltion Initiators (MDI) ComponentsFigure 1-12 Demolition charge assembly M37Figure 1-13. Military dynamite M1.Figure 1-16. Detonation cordFigure 1-17. Universal explosive destructor M10.Figure 1-19. Percussion detonator M1A2Table 1-4. Delay-type Demolition Firing Device M1--DataFigure 1-21. Delay-type demolition firing device M1Figure 1-23. Pressure-type demolition firing device M1A1-cross sectionFigure 1-26. Pull-type demolition firing deuice M1.Firing device demolition: Multipurpose M142Figure 1-29. Pull-release-type demolition firing device M3-cross section. Igniter, time blasting fuse: M60, weatherproofIMAGE - TM-9-1375-213-120067Figure 1-31b. Firing device components M142Figure 1-31c. Firing device assembly M142-cross-sectionFigure 1-32. Time blasting (safety) fuse.Figure 1-33. Time blasting fuse M700Figure 1-35. Time blasting fuse igniter M2.Figure 1-38. Priming adapter M1A4Figure 1-39. Supple,emtary adhesive for demolition charge.Figure 1-40. Blasting machines.Figure 1-40.1. Blasting machineBlasting Circuit Test InstrumentsFigure 1-41. Blasting circuit test instrumentsFigure 1-42. Blasting cap holder M8Demolition Kits and SetsFIGURE 1-44. CONCUSSION DETONATOR KIT M1FIGURE 1-15. ELECTRIC AND NONELECTRIC EXPLOSIVE INITIATING DEMOLITION EQUIPMENT SETFigure 1-46. Nonelectric initiating demolition equipment set.Figure 1-46. Nonelectric initiating demolition equipment set.Inert Demolition ItemsSection III. SAFETY, CARE, AND HANDLINGCare and Handling - TM-9-1375-213-120088Care and Handling-CONT.Section 1. OPERATING PROCEDURESFigure 2-2 Holding, cutting and capping time blasting fuseFIGURE 2-4. Priming adapter M1A4 with nonelectric cap and time blasting fuse or detonating CORDFigure 2-5. Proper position for crimping blasting capModernized Demolition Initiators (MDI) - TM-9-1375-213-120095Modernized Demolition Initiators (MDI)-CONT. - TM-9-1375-213-120096Modernized Demolition Initiators (MDI)-CONT. - TM-9-1375-213-120097Figure 2-5.1 - Examples of M15 InitiationSplicing Shock TubeFigure 2-5.2 - Overhand knot.Misfires with Shock Tube - TM-9-1375-213-120101Misfires with Shock Tube-CONT.Nonelectric MisfiresMisfires with Shock Tube - TM-9-1375-213-120104Table 2-1. Outline (Checklist) of Basic Electric Blasting (Setup and Firing)Testing Blasting CapsFigure 2-6. Assembling electric primerFIGURE 2-7. ACTUATING BLASTING MACHINESOperation of Blasting MachineSplicing Electric WiresFigure 2-10. Series circuitsFIGURE 2-11. TESTING GALCANOMETER OR TEST SETFigure 2-12. Testing firing wire.Electric Misfires Detonating Cord Firing Systems Methods of UseDetonating Cord CommectionsFIGURE 2-14. SQUARE KNOT CONNECTIONSFigure 2-15. Girth hitch with one extra turn.Figure 2-17. Nonelectric dual firing system with dual detonating cord priming.Dual Firing SystemsFigure 2-19. Combination dual firing system.Figure 2-20. Nonelectric and electric priming of shaped chargesFigure 2-21. Nonelectric and electric priming of bangalore torpedoFigure 2-22. Nonelectric priming without priming adapter.Figure 2-24. Detonating cord priming of demolition blocksDetonating Cord PrimingDetonating Cord Priming-CONT.Figure 2-25. priming of block charges with Uli knotFigure 2-25.2 New 40-pound cratering charge primed with detonating cord Uli knot - first generation.Figure 2-26. Nonelectric and electric priming of ammonium nitrate cratering chargeAdditional Priming Procedures for the new 40 pound cratering charges - TM-9-1375-213-120134Additional Priming Procedures for the new 40 pound cratering charges - TM-9-1375-213-120135Priming Charges with No Cap WellFigure 2-27. Detonating cord priming and auxiliary booster priming of cratering charge.Figure 2-28. Detonating cord priming of plastic explosiveFigure 2-29. Priming sheet explosiveFigure 2-30. Nonelectric end priming of dynamiteFigure 2-31. Nonelectric side priming of dynamiteFigure 2-32. Electric priming of dynamiteFigure 2-33. Detonating cord priming of dynamiteFigure 2-34. Concussion detonator kit M1-cutaway viewDelay-Type Demolition Firing Device M1Pressure-Type Demolition Firing Device M1 and M1AFigure 2-35. Delay-type demolition firing device M1-method of installation.Pull-Type Demolition Firing Device M1Pull-Release-Type Demolition Firing Device M3Release-Type Demolition Firing DeviceModes of OperationFigure 2-38. Position of firing device when set for pressureFigure 2-39. Switch set for pressure or pull actionFIGURE 2-40. POSITION OF FIRING DEVICE WHEN SET FOR PULLFIGURE 2-41. POSITION OF FIRING DEVICE WHEN SET FOR PRESSURE RELEASEFigure 2-43. Position of firing device when set for tension releaseFIGURE 2-44. INSTALLING TENSION RELEASE ATTACHMENTModes of Operation-CONT.FIGURE 2-45. RESETTING PROCEDURESSection II. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONS - TM-9-1375-213-120161Extreme Climatic ConditionsExtreme Climatic Conditions-CONT.Dual Priming MethodsSection I. SERVICE UPON RECEIPT OF MATERIELFigure 32. Typical wire bound packing boxRepacking ProceduresFigure 3-4. Procedure for closing wirebound boxBlasting Machines and Blasting Circuit TEST InstrumentsFigure 3-5. Replacing galvanometers batterySection Ill. OPERATOR MAINTENANCEInspection - TM-9-1375-213-120172TABLE 3-3. DISPOSITION OF DAMAGED ITEMS-ORGANIZED LEVELTABLE 3-3. DISPOSITION OF DAMAGED ITEMS-ORGANIZED LEVEL-CONT.Wood Box-HardwareRe-marking BoxesTable 3-4. Packing and Marking DataTable 3-4. Packing and Marking Data-Continued - TM-9-1375-213-120178Table 3-4. Packing and Marking Data-Continued - TM-9-1375-213-120179Repriming ProceduresRendering Shock Tube Residue InertCHAPTER 4 SHIPMENT AND STORAGE - TM-9-1375-213-120183ProceduresAPPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-9-1375-213-120185DOCTRINAL, TRAINING, AND ORGANIZATIONAL PUBLICATIONSAPPENDIX B BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LISTAPPENDIX C MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHARTTools and Equipment and RemarksSECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-9-1375-213-120191SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART - TM-9-1375-213-120192SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART-CONT. - TM-9-1375-213-120193SECTION II. MAINTENANCE ALLOCATION CHART-CONT. - TM-9-1375-213-120194APPENDIX D ORGANIZATIONAL MAINTENANCE REPAIR PARTS AND SPECIAL TOOLS LISTSection II. REPAIR PARTS LIST - TM-9-1375-213-120196Section II. REPAIR PARTS LIST - continuedSection III. SPECIAL TOOLSTM-9-1375-213-12 Demolition Materials Manual