TM 9-1375-213-12
immediately. If a galcanometer is immersed, it should
(1) Exposure to these high temperature limits
be thoroughly dried externally and then the battery com-
degrades the shelf life of many items.
partment should be opened to assure that no water has
penetrated. If necessary, completely dry battery com-
(2) These Limits apply to the temperature of the
partment. Disconnect battery and dry it, taking special
item, not of the air. Temperatures in an unventilated con-
care of connectors. Let battery sit out in air for an hour
tainer or building exposed to the sun may be much higher
before resecuring it to allow it and compartment to dry
than the outside air temperature.
Under extended conditions of high temper-
ature and humidity storage, the adhesive on
the urethane tape attached to the demoli-
tion charges M112, M118, and M186 can
partially or completely lose its adhesive
charge M3 exudes oil and becomes buttery above 125OF.
power. This does not affect the explosive
characteristics of the charges. If the self-
(4) Prolonged exposure to high temperatures will
adhesive characteristic is required for a
have adverse long-range effects on blasting machines
partiular mission and charges are issued
and blasting circuit test instruments, even though an im-
with inadequate adhesive tape, then use a
mediate effect may not he apparent. Avoid storing or us-
double-sided adhesive tape, issued as part
ing this equipment where it will he exposed to elevated
of both standard demolition equipment
temoeratures. With the galvanometer batteries, such ex-
sets. If the lack of adhesion and use of
posure will have marked effect on their shelf life and use-
fresh tape is inconvenient for the mission,
ful life. When galvanometer is not to he used to extended
exchange demolition charges with had tape
periods, remove batteries and store batteries in refriger-
for charges with good tape. Request your
ated area.
supply element to report the situation on an
c. Wet Weather. Keep demolition materials dry and
2415). The demolition charges may con-
free from mud and other foreign matter. Donot break
tinue to he issued hut other users should he
moisture-resistant wrapper until material is to he used.
told about the tape so they may decide if
the charges area aceptable for their particu-
(1) Adhesive-backed block demolition charges
lar mission.
M112, M118, or M186 (Roll) will not adhere to wet sur-
d. Lightning. Lightning is a hazard to both electric
and nonelectric blasting caps. A strike or a close miss is
(2) Nonelectric blasting caps are extremely sensi-
almost certain to initiate either type of cap. Lightning
tive to moisture. One drop of water entering the cap can
strikes, even at remote locations, may cause extremely
cause a misfire. Every possible effort should be made to
high local earth currents and shock waves that may ini-
keep nonelectric caps dry. Keep them sealed in thier
tiate electrical firing circuits. The effects of remote light-
boxes until ready for use.
ning strikes are multiplied by proximity to condicting
elements, such as buildings, fences. railroads, bridges,
(3) If a blasting machine gets wet, dry it off imme-
streams, and underground cables or conduits. The only
diately. If a generator-type blasting machine has gotten
safe procedure is to suspend all blasting activites during
wet internally, turn it in to organizational maintenance
an electrical storm and before impending storms.
personnel immediately for disassembly, drying, and lu-
brication. The M32 and M34 are fully sealed and should
e. Blowing Dust or Sand. Static electricity is generat-
not be damaged by a brief exposure to water, even im-
ed during dust and sand storms. Electric blasting opera-
mersion; but they should be dried off immediately.
tions should he discontinued when such storms are
threatening or in progress.
(4) Whenever either of the Hasting circuit test in-
struments are exposed to moisture, it should be wiped off
Change 18