CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTICINSection II. DESCRIPTIONSpecifications - TM-9-2320-211-100021Table 1-1. Weight (Pounds)Table 1-2. DimensionsTable 1-5. Permissible FuelsTable 1-6. CapacitiesTable 1-8. Shifting Speeds in MPHTable 1-11. Fuel Filter DataCHAPTER 2 OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-2320-211-100029Chassis Controls and Indicators - TM-9-2320-211-100030Chassis Controls and Indicators-CONT.Instrument Panel (Diesel and Multifuel Engines)Instrument Panel (Diesel and Multifuel Engines)-CONT. Cab Controls Cab Controls-CONT.Chassis ControlsChassis Controls-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100037Chassis Controls-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100038Chassis Controls-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100039Body Equipment, Controls and IndicatorsTractor TrucksTractor Wrecker TrucksTractor Wrecker Trucks-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100043Tractor Wrecker Trucks-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100044Medium Wreckers.Medium Wreckers-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100046Medium Wreckers-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100047Expansible Van TrucksExpansible Van Trucks -CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100049Expansible Van Trucks -CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100050Expansible Van Trucks -CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100051Expansible Van Trucks -CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100052Expansible Van Trucks -CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100053 Bridge Transporting Truck Bridge Transporting Truck-CONT.BOLSTER TRUCKBOLSTER TRUCK-CONTAuxiliary Equipment Controls and Indicators (Special Kits)Auxiliary Equipment Controls and Indicators (Special Kits)-CONT.ARCTIC WINTERIZATION KITARCTIC WINTERIZATION KIT-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100061ARCTIC WINTERIZATION KIT-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100062DEEP WATER FORDING KIT - TM-9-2320-211-100063A-Frame Kit.WINDSHIELD WASHER KIT - TM-9-2320-211-100065Section II. OPERATION UNDER USUAL CONDITIONS - TM-9-2320-211-100066Starting the Gasoline EngineStarting the Gasoline Engine-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100068Starting the Gasoline Engine-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100069Starting the Gasoline Engine-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100070Starting the Diesel Engine (Below +3F).Starting the Multifuel Engine (+20F. to +115F. )Starting the Multifuel Engine (+20F. to +115F. )-CONT.Starting the Multifuel Engine (-25F. to +30F.)Starting the Multifuel Engine (-25F. to +30F.)-CONT.IMAGE - TM-9-2320-211-100076Placing the Truck in Motion.Placing the Truck in Motion-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100078Placing the Truck in Motion-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100079Placing the Truck in Motion-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100080Stopping the Truck and Engine - TM-9-2320-211-100081Operating Fuel Transfer Pump (Multifuel Trucks with Dual Tanks)Using Jumper Cables to Start the Engine.Towing the TruckTowing the Truck to Start Engine - TM-9-2320-211-100085 Preparing Disabled Truck for Towing Preparing Disabled Truck for Towing -CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100087 Preparing Disabled Truck for Towing -CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100088Towing Disabled Truck on Highway with TowbarREMOVING CAB TOP AND LOWERING WINDSHIELDOperation of Front Winch - TM-9-2320-211-100091Lowering Load or Unwinding Winch Cable with PowerLifting or Pulling a LoadLifting or Pulling a Load-CONT.Winding Winch Cable on drumLocking Winch for Travel Shear Pin ReplacementOperation of Cargo Trucks - TM-9-2320-211-100098Removing Side Racks From Dropside Cargo TrucksRemoving the Dropsides and TailgateOperation of Dump Trucks - TM-9-2320-211-100101Rigging the Tailgate for Spreader OperationOperation as a Regular DUmp TruckOperation as a Rocker Type Dump TrucKOperation as a Spreader Type Dump TruckOperation as a Spreader Type Dump Truck-CONT.Operation of Tractor Trucks.Operation of Tractor Trucks-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100108Operation of Tractor Trucks-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100109UNCOUPLING - TM-9-2320-211-100110Operation of Tractor Wrecker TrucksCrane OperationCrane Operation-CONT.Positioning Crane Supports - TM-9-2320-211-100114Rigging Crane Lines - TM-9-2320-211-100115Extending and Retracting Boom ExtensionSecuring Crane for Travel - TM-9-2320-211-100117Securing Crane for Travel-CONT.Operation of Expansible Van TrucksExpanding Van Body.Expanding Van Body-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100121Expanding Van Body-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100122Expanding Van Body-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100123Outside Power Source ConnectionCeiling Lights and Service ReceptacleHEATER OPERATIONAir Conditioner OperationLIFT GATE OPERATION W/ VAN EXPANDEDRetracting Van BodyRetracting Van Body-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100130Retracting Van Body-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100131Retracting Van Body-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100132Operation of Medium Wrecker TrucksOperation of Medium Wrecker Trucks -CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100134Operation of Medium Wrecker Trucks -CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100135POSITIONING CRANE SUPPORTS - TM-9-2320-211-100136Rigging Crane Lines - TM-9-2320-211-100137Securing Crane for Travel - TM-9-2320-211-100138Securing Crane for Travel -CONT.Operation of Rear WinchUnwinding Winch CablePulling Heavy LoadSecuring Winch for TravelOperation of Bridge Transporting TrucksSecuring LoadUnloading - TM-9-2320-211-100146Operation of Bolster TrucksUntoading P-14 Trailer From TruckUntoading P-14 Trailer From Truck -CONT.Preparing Bolster Truck and Trailer for Loading CargoLoading or Unloading CargoOperation of Bolster Fifth WheelLoading P-14 Trailer Onto TruckLoading P-14 Trailer Onto Truck-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100154Loading P-14 Trailer Onto Truck-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100155Loading P-14 Trailer Onto Truck-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100156Operation of Auxiliary Equipment (Special Purpose Kits).INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL OF BOW AND TARP KITSINSTALLATION AND REMOVAL OF BOW AND TARP KITS -CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100159INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL OF BOW AND TARP KITS -CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100160INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL OF BOW AND TARP KITS -CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100161INSTALLATION AND REMOVAL OF BOW AND TARP KITS -CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100162OPERATION OF HOT WATER PERSONNEL HEATER KIT - TM-9-2320-211-100163Operating winterfront coverOperating winterfront cover -CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100165Operating winterfront cover -CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100166Operating winterfront cover -CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100167Operating winterfront cover -CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100168OPERATING POWER PLANT HEATER KIT (GASOLINE)Slave receptacle - TM-9-2320-211-100170Operation of Deep Water Fording Kit.Operation of Deep Water Fording Kit-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100172Operation of Electric Brake KitOperation of A-Frame KitOperation of Windshield Washer KitSection III. OPERATION UNDER UNUSUAL CONDITIONS - TM-9-2320-211-100176Moving the Truck - TM-9-2320-211-100177Moving the Truck - TM-9-2320-211-100178Moving the Truck-CONT.Extreme Hot Weather OperationsParking the Truck - TM-9-2320-211-100181lcy RoadsFording Operation - TM-9-2320-211-100183After Fording OperationsCHAPTER 3 MAINTENANCE INSTRUCTIONS - TM-9-2320-211-100185Oil Seal and Gasket LeakageTable 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services - TM-9-2320-211-100187Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100188Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100189Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100190Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100191Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100192Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100193Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100194Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100195Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100196Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100197Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100198Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100199Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100200Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100201Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100202Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100203Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100204Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100205Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100206Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100207Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100208Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100209Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100210Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100211Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100212Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100213Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100214Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100215Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100216Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100217Table 3-1. Operator/Crew Preventive Maintenance Checks and Services (Cont'd) - TM-9-2320-211-100218TABLE 3-2. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-9-2320-211-100219TABLE 3-2. TROUBLESHOOTING - TM-9-2320-211-100220Engine overheats, according to temperature gageEXHAUST SYSTEM - TM-9-2320-211-100222TRANSMISSION - TM-9-2320-211-100223TRANSMISSION POWER TAKEOFFCONTROLS AND INSTRUMENTS - TM-9-2320-211-100225WHEELS, TIRES, AND HUBS - TM-9-2320-211-100226STEERING GEARREAR WINCHHYDRAULIC CRANEFIFTH WHEEL ASSEMBLYEXPANSIBLE VAN AUXILIARY EQUIPMENTEXPANSIBLE VAN AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT -CONT.HOT WATER PERSONNEL HEATERHOT WATER PERSONNEL HEATER -CONT.FUEL BURNING PERSONNEL AND ENGINE COOLANT HEATERSFUEL BURNING PERSONNEL AND ENGINE COOLANT HEATERS-CONT.SLAVE RECEPTACLE - TM-9-2320-211-100237WINDSHIELD WASHER KIT - TM-9-2320-211-100238Section V. SERVICING AND REPLACEMENTAir Cleaner Service (Diesel and Multifuel)Wheel and Tire Replacement - TM-9-2320-211-100241Installing Single WheelShear Pin ReplacementAPPENDIX A REFERENCES - TM-9-2320-211-100245Technical Bulletins. - TM-9-2320-211-100246APPENDIX B COMPONENTS OF END ITEM LIST - TM-9-2320-211-100247Explanation of Columns - TM-9-2320-211-100248Abbreviations - TM-9-2320-211-100249INTEGRAL COMPONENTS OF END ITEM - TM-9-2320-211-100250INTEGRAL COMPONENTS OF END ITEM - TM-9-2320-211-100251BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - TM-9-2320-211-100252BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - TM-9-2320-211-100253BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100254BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100255BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100256BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100257BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100258BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100259BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100260BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100261BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100262BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100263BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100264BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100265BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100266BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100267BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100268BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100269BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100270BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100271BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100272BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100273BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100274BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100275BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100276BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100277BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100278BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100279BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100280BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100281BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100282BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100283BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100284BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100285BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100286BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100287BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100288BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100289BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100290BASIC ISSUE ITEMS LIST - Continued - TM-9-2320-211-100291Figure B-1. Common Items.Figure B-2. Common Items.Figure B-4. Additional BII for Truck, Van, ExpansibleFigure B-5. Additional BII for Truck, BolsterFIGURE B-6. ADDITIONAL BII FOR TRUCK, STAKE, BRIDGE TRANSPORTINGFIGURE B-7. ADDITIONAL BII FOR TRUCK , TRACTOR WRECKERFIGURE B-8. ADDITIONAL BII FOR TRUCK,WRECKER -CONT.FIGURE B-9. ADDITIONAL BII FOR TRUCK,WRECKER -CONT.FIGURE B-10. ADDITIONAL BII FOR TRUCK,WRECKER FIGURE B-11. ADDITIONAL BII FOR TRUCK,WRECKER -CONT.FIGURE B-12. ADDITIONAL BII FOR TRUCK,WRECKER -CONT.FIGURE B-13. ADDITIONAL BII FOR TRUCK,WRECKER -CONT.FIGURE B-14. ADDITIONAL BII FOR TRUCK,WRECKER -CONT.FIGURE B-15. ADDITIONAL BII FOR TRUCK,WRECKER -CONT.FIGURE B-16. ADDITIONAL BII FOR TRUCK,WRECKER -CONT.Figure B-17. Additional BII for Truck, Wrecker (Continued).FIGURE B-18. STOWAGE LOCATIONS FOR TRUCK WRECKERAPPENDIX C ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST - TM-9-2320-211-100309Explanation of Listing.ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LISTADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100312ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100313ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100315ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100316ADDITIONAL AUTHORIZATION LIST-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100317APPENDIX D EXPENDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST - TM-9-2320-211-100319EXPANDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LISTEXPANDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100321EXPANDABLE SUPPLIES AND MATERIALS LIST-CONT. - TM-9-2320-211-100322TM-9-2320-211-10 Truck 5-Ton 6x6 M39 Series Manual