TM 9-2330-246-14
4-34. 24-VOLT DOMELIGHT MAINTENANCE (M373A3, M373A4, AND M373A5) (Con't).
4. Remove four screws (35), Iockwashers (36), and blackout light patition (34) from lens retainer (9). Discard
5. Remove two screws (39) and Iockwashers (38). Remove white light ground wire and plate (37) from lens retainer
(9). Discard Iockwashers.
6. Remove two screws (42), grommets (41), and Iockwashers (40). Remove white light Iampholder (44) from plate
(37). Discard Iockwashers and grommets.
7. Remove two screws (1) and Iockwashers (2), Remove blackout light Iampholder (46), gasket (4), and metal
plate (5) from lens retainer (9). Discard Iockwashers.