TM 9-2330-381-14
h. If semitrailer is uncoupled, difficulty in lowering rear of platform may be experienced due to offset weight of
gooseneck. If this problem occurs, proceed as follows:
(1) Raise platform to normal running height of 43 inches (109 cm) per step f above and lower both front support
(2) Push down and hold handle of rear valve (6). As rear of platform starts to lower, push down handles for front
curbside (4) and front streetside (5) suspension valves.
(3) As front support legs contact the ground, continue to hold all three valve handles down as rear of platform
goes down.
(4) Pull up handles for front curbside and streetside (4 and 5) suspension valves to raise front of platform.
(5) When front of platform is high enough to stow front support legs, release both suspension valve handles.
(7) Push down and hold all three valve handles for front streetside and curbside and rear valves (4, 5, and 6) until
platform reaches recommended lowest height.
(8) After lowering platform is complete, evenly raise platform (step f above) and lower platform (either step g or h
i. Use one person to check bed height indicators on each of three suspension assemblies (para. 2-7).
j. If necessary, use another person to make adjustments to platform, as needed, to level platform to normal road
height of 43 inches (109 cm).
l. Lower platform onto support legs.
m. After all platform adjustments are completed, proceed as follows:
(1) If semitrailer is to be parked uncoupled, lower gooseneck to lowest position (para. 2-18).
(2) Push in handles of suspension shut-off valve (1) and gooseneck isolation valve (2), as far as they will go to
SHUT-OFF and RUN positions. Close and secure cover to hydraulic control module.