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TM 9-2330-394-13&P
0001 00
WARRANTY - Continued
2. Explanation of Terms.
a. Abuse. The improper use, maintenance, repair or handling of warranted items that may cause the
warranty of those items to become void, for example, not following service intervals, using the
equipment for other than what is intended.
b. Acceptance. The execution of the Acceptance Block and signing of DD Form 250, by the
authorized Government representative.
c. Acceptance Date. The date an item of equipment is accepted into the Army's inventory by the
execution of the Acceptance Block and signing of a DD Form 250 or, in the case of S&S Extended
Warranty, date of shipment for purposes of fielding. Pass-Through Warranty is different
d. Contractor. The supplier of equipment who enters into an agreement directly with the
Government to furnish supplies.
e. Correction. The elimination of a defect.
f.  Defect. Any condition or characteristic in supplies furnished by the Contractor that does not
function as intended.
g. Pass-Through Warranty. A vendor's (Michelin) commercial warranty that provides warranty
h. Failure. A part, component, or end item that fails to perform its intended use.
Owning Unit. The Army Unit authorized to operate, maintain, and use the equipment.
j.  Repair. A maintenance action required to restore an item to serviceable condition without
affecting the warranty.
k. Supplies. All assemblies, subassemblies, and down parts to the lowest level that comprise an end
l.  WARCO. Serves as the intermediary between the troops owning the equipment and the local
dealer, Contractor, or manufacturer. All warranty claim actions will be processed through the WARCO.
m. Warranty. A written agreement between a Contractor and the Government which outlines the
rights and obligations of both parties for defective supplies.
n. Warranty Claim. Action started by the equipment user for authorized warranty repair.
o. Warranty Expiration Date. The date the warranty is no longer valid. The Pass-Through
Warranty expiration date and the S&S Extended Warranty expiration date are not the same. The S&S
Extended Warranty expires 16 months after the Government Acceptance Date. Ohio Casting coverage
identified in paragraph 6 expires 54 months after DD250.
0001 00-4


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