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TM 9-2330-394-13&P
0001 00
WARRANTY Continued
9. Claim Procedures (cont).
b. The Contractor shall be notified in writing via their website ( or
electronic mail ( utilizing DA Form 2407 by the local WARCO following the
discovery of a defect in supplies which requires Contractor/vendor replacement parts. This shall
constitute formal notification of a warranty claim. The notification shall include, but not be limited to
furnishing the equipment serial number, part number, or NSN of the defective part and circumstances
surrounding the defect(s). Upon completion of repair, forward completed warranty claims (Information
Only) to TACOM.
c. Identification of Failed Items. Failed warranty items shall be tagged/identified to prevent
improper repair or use. Documents that describe the use of DA Form 2402 Exchange Tag and DA Form
2407 Maintenance Request shall be referenced. Items requiring special handling, storage or shipment
during the processing of claims shall be identified.
d. Disposition. The repair activity shall return defective supplies to the Contractor's representative or
return as directed using the replacement part carton/container.
e. Invalid Warranty Claims. When supplies are inspected by the Contractor/vendor and found to
be non-warrantable, or the supplies are found to be serviceable, the repair activity submitting the claim
will be required to make reimbursement for Contractor/vendor services.
Air Force Warranty Claims. Air Force
For letter warranty claims:
225 Ocmulgee CT
Robbins AFB, GA 31098-1647
DSN 468-7161
COML (912) 926-7126
For Teletype warranty claims:
10. Claim Denials/Disputes. TACOM will handle all denials or disputes.
11. Reporting. Reporting or recording action on a failed item shall be as specified in DA PAM 738-750 The
Army Maintenance Management System (TAMMS). Forms that are unique to the Contractor or Repair
Activity shall not be used.
0001 00-10


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