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TM 9-2330-394-13&P
0001 00
WARRANTY - Continued
a. Defects. If a defect/failure is caused by (or falls within) any of the following categories, it is not
considered warrantable and a claim should not be initiated:
Misuse or negligence
Improper operation
Improper storage
Improper transport
Improper or insufficient maintenance service
Improper alterations or repair
Defect/failure discovered or occurring after warranty expiration date
Fair wear and tear items (brake shoes, etc)
Foreign object damage
Improper packing or handling
Combat damage
Consequential damages resulting from a defect or failure
Failure of parts/components resulting in less than $300.00 cost, labor and parts (Not
applicable to Pass-Through Warranties)
b. Pass-Through, Material and Workmanship, and Ohio Casting Warranties. The Pass-Through
Warranty is provided by the vendor in Table 1. Supplier Summary Section, but will be administered by
TVSLP through your local WARCO. Material and Workmanship and Ohio Casting Warranties, as described
in paragraph 6, are supplied by TVSLP through your local WARCO. To obtain services for Pass-Through,
Material and Workmanship, or Ohio Casting Warranties, your local WARCO contacts TVSLP through their
website ( or calls 1-800-221-3688, asks for the Warranty Department, and
provides the following information:
Customer work order number
Customer complete address
Equipment serial number
Defective component part number
Manufacturer cage code
Defective component National Stock Number
Description of the defect including codes from the electronic boxes
Component serial number or date code, if available
Person to contact on the request for warranty, to include: telephone, fax number and
shipping address. This information can be sent by your local WARCO to TVSLP's website
( or electronic mail (
c. Warranty Start Dates.
Information to determine the Pass-Through Warranty start date for Michelin is listed later in
this Bulletin. Material and Workmanship Warranties start at hand off as evidenced by the
user's hand receipt or property book and expire 24 months later. Ohio Casting Warranties
as described in paragraph 6 starts at DD250 and expires 60 months later.
0001 00-13


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