TM 9-2350-2t0-l2
1. When master switch is energized, power is fed from the master relay to main light switch.
2. When main light switch is placed in "service drive" position, power is fed through dimmer switch, low
beam position, through service headlight low beam to ground, completing circuit. When dimmer
switch is placed in high beam position, power is fed through service headlight high beam to ground
and high beam indicator light through service blackout headlight high beam filament to ground,
completing circuit. Power is also fed from main light switch through service taillight (in left tail lamp) to
ground, completing circuit. Power is also fed from main light switch to stoplight switch through main
light switch and service stoplight (in left tail lamp) to ground, completing circuit.
3. When main light switch is placed in "stoplight" position, power is fed from main light switch to stoplight
switch, which when closed, feeds power through main light switch and service stoplight (in left tail
lamp) to ground, completing circuit.
4. When main light switch is placed in "BO MARKER" position, power is fed through both front and rear
blackout marker lights to ground, completing circuit.
5. When main light switch is placed in "BO DRIVE" position, power is fed to all blackout marker lights to
ground, completing circuit. Power is also fed to the BO/IR selector switch. When the BO/IR selector
switch is placed in "BO" position, power is fed through blackout drive light (in left headlight) to ground,
completing circuit. When the "BO/IR" selector switch is placed in "IR" position, power is fed through
the dimmer switch, low beam position, through service blackout headlight low beam to ground,
completing circuit. When dimmer switch is placed in "HIGH BEAM" position, power is fed through
service blackout headlight high beam to ground and high beam indicator light through service
headlight high beam filament to ground completing circuit. Power is fed from main light switch to
stoplight switch, when stoplight switch is closed, power is fed from stoplight switch through main light
switch to blackout stoplight (in right tail lamp) to ground, completing circuit.