TM 9-2590-209-14&P
(5) Connect two nipples to manifold.
(2) Install two nuts and lockwashers securing
reservoir assembly to left rear fender (view E).
(6) Connect tube to manifold.
(3) Install two elbows to hose assemblies
(7) Connect two filters to manifold.
(view D).'
(4) Install two hose assemblies to reservoir
assembly (view D).
(1) Install baffle in reservoir, and secure with
(5) Install lower guard to left rear fender, and
three screws, lockwashers, and washers (view C).
(2) Install manifold assembly inside reservoir,
and secure with two screws and seals (view C).
(6) Connect two seals and tubes to elbows
(view B).
(3) Install
to cover
assembly, and secure with four screws and lockwashers
(7) Install guard to left rear fender, and secure
(view B).
with two bolts, lockwashers, washers, and nuts (view A).
(4) Install gage and plug to cover assembly
(8) Install upper guard to lower guard and
(view B).
secure with five screws and lockwashers (view A).
(5) Install gasket and cover assembly on
(9) Install support to upper guard, and secure
reservoir, and secure with 14 screws and lockwashers
with two screws and lockwashers (view A).
(view A).
(10) Fill hydraulic system with oil (fig 3-1)
(1) Attach hoist to reservoir assembly, and
install reservoir assembly on left rear fender (view E).
Figure 10-16. Repair of reservoir assembly manifold.