Relation of moldboard cutting edge to ground:
Carrying Hooks
Lowest position .................................... 10-in. below
Two carrying hooks hold the moldboard in
Highest position .................................. 30-in. above
raised position for tank travel. The hoods are manually
Carrying position ................................. 29-in. above
operated from outside the driver's compartment by
Width and Height: Moldboard width.............. 146-in.
pulling on the handle to disengage the hooks and by
Moldboard height ............................................ 36-in
pushing on the handle to engage the hooks.
Rate of lift:
Tank main engine at 1,500 rpm............... 5.5-in. per
Hydraulic System
The hydraulic system uses oil under pressure to
Tank main engine at 2,800 rpm.............. 10.5-in per
actuate two hydraulic cylinders which raise and lower
the moldboard. The mount assembly, which attaches to
Forward speed of tank while bulldozing:
the power take-off shaft at the rear of the transmission,
Engine at 1,500 rpm and low gear.............. 1-3 mph
consists 'of an integral right angle drive, clutch, and
Recommended maximum speed of tank with
pump. The flow of oil to the cylinders is directed by a
bulldozer installed ......................................... 5 mph
control valve manifold. The oil reservoir is located at
Hydraulic oil data: Reservoir capacity ............ 15gal
the left rear of the tank. Tubing and hoses connect the
Hydraulic system capacity.............................. I5 gal
hydraulic components.
1-25. Weights
Armor Guards
Reservoir, tubes and guards .......................... 298lb
Armor guards protect linkages, tubing, hydraulic
Control valve, manifold, tubes and guards ..... 702lb
cylinders, and other vulnerable portions of the bulldozer.
Control linkage and guards ............................. 41 lb
Mount assembly............................................ 105 lb
Right headlamp extension and guard .............. 18 lb
The following data provide the operator and
Left headlamp extension and guard ................ 18 lb
organizational maintenance personnel with information
Moldboard.................................................. 3,004 lb
for operating and servicing the M8A3 bulldozer:
Pushbeams ................................................ 1,347 lb
Tilt arms ....................................................... 256 lb
Mounting brackets...................................... 1,816 lb
Angle of moldboard cutting edge (with
Cylinders, piping, and guards ........................ 795 lb
Total weight less oil.................................... 8,400 lb
Float position ............................................... 59 deg
Lowest position ............................................ 65 deg