qualification procedure to assure that normal responses
3-41. Table 3-4 does not list malfunctions or
are obtained.
causes for which corrective action is beyond the scope
of organizational maintenance.
Notify supporting
3-44. Prerequisites for Test. Prior to testing the
maintenance personnel of malfunctions not listed.
vehicle, check that:
a. Vehicle is intact with all ground leads secure
Qualification Procedure
and connectors tight; there is a full complement of
lamps, and no physical evidence of damage to electrical
3-43. General. The qualification procedure (table 3-
3) is
used for the test approach method of
b. Specific gravity of vehicle batteries is not less
troubleshooting. It is a progressive checkout procedure.
than 1.225 (temperature corrected).
Therefore, each command must be performed in
consecutive order beginning with command No. 1.
3-45. Schematic diagrams and locational views
After performing the indicated command, observe all the
normal indications listed in the response column. When
aide to the troubleshooting routines. The schematic
the normal response is not indicated, refer to the
diagrams and the locational views are keyed together by
troubleshooting routine figure number referenced under
the troubleshooting reference column. After correcting
illustrate the various symbols used in the electrical
the malfunction, repeat the applicable portion of the
3-46. When using the troubleshooting
observe the following guide lines: