"calls the signals", and make sure the other
C7. Be sure to keep clear of the clamping area when
workers are clear before starting any machine
operating machines equipped with hydraulic vises.
When these vises clamp, a very high force is applied
that can cause severe injury.
C21. Read, study and know this manual and the
other machine manuals before any attempt is made
C8. When loading large material requiring more
to operate the band sawing machine.
than one person, be sure the operator and his
helpers are all clear before starting any machine
C9. Never reach or position any part of your body
D1. Always remember that movements occur
under a saw blade. Someone could start the
without warning when automatic machinery is
machine, or some type of malfunction could cause
operating. In manual operation, a push button is
the cutting head to drop.
depressed to start a movement so one can an-
ticipate what will happen. When in the automatic
C10. Never reach through or under a pinch point
mode, the movement occurs without operator
that could create a hazard if a machine part should
action. If someone has reached into the machine, a
serious accident can happen.
C11. Never wipe or clean off parts which are being
D2. This suggests two good rules to remember: (1.)
sawed. The wipe rag could catch on the saw blade,
Whenever someone is around a machine running in
and pull the operator's hand into the moving blade.
automatic operation, the operator should always be
C12. It is good sawing practice to support the saw
at his station to stop the machine in case the person
blade as close as possible to the work piece for
gets caught by it. This may be a person walking by
maximum cutting accuracy as well as safety.
who stops for a moment, but carelessly places his
Always keep the saw guides as close as possible to
foot on the machine, or lays his hand near a moving
the work piece. Attaching blade guards to the
guides will also keep the guards closed as far as
(2.) If the operator decides to leave his control
station to perform a quick adjustment, first shut
C13. Always stop the machine when it becomes
down the machine. If the operator does not shut it
necessary to adjust it.
down, and should accidentally slip and become
C14. If the operator leaves his control station to
caught, the machine will keep running. With no one
observe or inspect the operation of the machine, he
at the stop button to shut it down, he could sustain
serious injuries before help arrived.
should always have another qualified operator at
the control station in case he is inadvertently
D3. Many automatic sawing machines have bar-
caught in the machine. Failure to do this could be
feeds with a moving carriage. Never allow anyone,
very serious.
or yourself, to get between the carriage and the saw
C15. Do not get into the habit of climbing or
leaning on the machine while it is in operation.
Greasy, coolant-covered surfaces can be very
E1. Always lock off the electrical supply disconnect
when working on moving parts of the machine, its
C16. It is very important that your mind be entirely
electrical or hydraulic systems.
on your job at all times when working on a machine.
E2. Never remove hydraulic lines or parts from the
Outside activities and problems which occupy your
machine unless the cutting head is resting on the
mind during working hours greatly endanger your
saw bed or other solid support. In normal operation
personal safety.
t h e c u t t i n g h e a d i s supported by hydraulic
C17. Always keep the floor and working area
cylinders. Removal of hoses or machine parts will
around the machine free from debris, oil and coolant
permit a discharge of pressurized oil, allowing the
slicks. These can be extremely hazardous.
cutting head to fall to its lower position. This could
C18. Avoid unnecessary contact with machine
cause injury to personnel as well as damage to the
C19. Always wear safety glasses when operating a
E3. Never adjust the hydraulic system pressures
band sawing machine.
beyond those given on the hydraulic diagrams. To
do so can cause hydraulic lines or other parts to
C20. If it is necessary for two or more operators to
rupture and create a hazard.
work with a machine, be sure only one lead operator