TM 9-4110-254-14
This task covers.
a. Debraze
b. Clean
c. Braze
General Safety Instructions:
Brazing Alloy
which are hazardous to health. Avoid
breathing vapors or fumes from brazing
operations. Perform operations only in well
Abrasive Cloth
ventilated areas. Wash hands with soap
and water after handling brazing alloys and
Equipment Conditions:
flux. Wear gloves and protective goggles or
face shield to protect against bums.
Refrigerant system discharged (para 5-7) and purged
a. Debraze.
(1) Protect wiring harnesses and other components with appropriate heat shields.
It may be easier to access a component by cutting or debrazing the copper lines m
accessible areas and removing part of the interconnecting tubing with the component.
(2) If debrazing a joint on a valve, disassemble the valve to the extent possible and wrap all but the joint with wet
rag to act as a heat sink.
Never use a heating torch on any part that contains refrigerant. Heat may cause the
refrigerant to decompose and release irritating, toxic, and corrosive gases. All
refrigerant must be discharged from the system and the entire system must be purged
with dry nitrogen before beginning any brazing operation.
If heat is applied slowly, or only on one side, the entire component or length of tubing will
be heated and filler alloy m adjacent joints may also be melted
(3) Check that the system is being purged (para 5-8) and apply sufficient heat uniformly around the joint to quickly
melt the filler alloy Remove heat as soon as the joint is separated