ARMY TM 9-4120-380-14
NAVY EE-000-BA-MMA-010/7053-AC
AIR FORCE TO 35E9-136-21
SERVICE - Continued
a. Debrazing. Debraze joints for removal of refrigeration system components as follows:
Determine which joints are to be debrazed. Due to the limited work space inside the air conditioner it may
be more convenient to remove a part of the interconnecting tubing with the component rather than
debrazing the joint on the component itself.
Before debrazing a joint on a valve disassemble the valve to the extent possible then wrap all but the joint
with a wet rag to act as a heat sink.
Protect insulation, wiring harnesses cabinet and other surrounding components with appropriate shields.
Be sure the work area is well ventilated and that dry nitrogen is flowing through the refrigeration system at a
Apply sufficient heat uniformly around the joint to quickly melt the filler alloy. If heat is applied slowly or
only on one side the entire component or length of tubing will be heated and filler alloy in adjacent joints
may also be melted. Remove heat as soon as the joint separates.
b. Cleaning Debrazed Joints. All filler alloy must be cleaned from debrazed joints before reassembly. Heat each
piece of the joint until the filler alloy is melted and then wipe it away with a damp cloth. Be sure no filler alloy or
other debris is left inside any tubing fitting or component.
Reassembly It tubing sections or fittings were removed with a component debraze them from the component.
clean the joints and braze them to the new component before reinstallation.
d. Brazing. Braze joints within the air conditioner as follows:
Position the component to be installed.
To prepare a joint on a valve for brazing disassemble the valve to the extent possible then wrap all but the
joint with a wet rag to act as a heat sink.
Protect insulation wiring harnesses and surrounding components with appropriate shields.
(4) Be sure the work area is well ventilated and that dry nitrogen is flowing through the refrigeration system at a
rate of less than 1-2 cfm (0.0028-0.057 m /minute).
(5) Apply sufficient heat uniformly around the joint to quickly raise it to a temperature that will melt the filler
alloy. Remove the heat as soon as brazing is completed.
Allow to cool. Reassemble the valve.