TM 9-4120-399-14
a. Removal.
(1) Remove two screws (1), two lock washers (2), two flat washers (3), ground wire (4),
and auxiliary connector bracket (5).
(2) Remove six screws (6) from side of unit holding junction box assembly (7) in place.
(3) Remove eight screws (8), eight lock washers (9) and eight flat washers (10) holding
junction box assembly (7) to rear of unit.
(4) Lift junction box assembly (7) from unit.
(5) Remove four screws (11), four lock nuts (12), cap and chain assembly (13), and
remove connector J1 (14) from bracket.
(6) Disconnect connector P8 (15) from connector J8 on control module.
(8) Tag and disconnect all other loose wires connected to junction box assembly. Cut
cable ties as required.
(9) Remove junction box assembly (7) from unit.
(10) Remove twelve screws (17), twelve lock washers (18), twelve flat washers (19), and
cover (20) from junction box assembly (7).
b. Installation.
(1) Attach cover (20) to junction box assembly (7) and install twelve flat washers (19),
twelve lock washers (18), and twelve screws (17).
(2) Position junction box assembly (7) beside unit.
(3) Connect all wires to junction box assembly (7) and remove tags.
(5) Connect connector P8 (15) to connector J8 on control module.
(6) Install connector J1 (14) to bracket and install cap and chain assembly (13), four lock
nuts (12), and four screws (11).
(7) Place junction box (7) into unit.
(8) Install eight flat washers (10), eight lock washers (9), and eight screws (8) to fasten
junction box assembly (7) onto rear of unit.