TM 9-4120-407-14
b. Purge. Purge the system with nitrogen at approximately 30 psig (2.1 1 kg/cm2) as follows:
The pressure in a nitrogen cylinder can exceed 2000 psi. A nitrogen
pressure regulator should be used at all times to avoid personal
Nitrogen is an inert gas that can cause suffocation and must be
discharged in a well ventilated area.
(1) Remove the pump, reservoir, filter, and refrigerant desiccant dehydrator jumper. Place an empty
container below the compressor connections, and connect the cylinder of dry nitrogen to each filter-
drier connection in turn. Blow down each leg of the system for at least 30 seconds after moisture
stops being discharged.
(2) Disconnect the dry nitrogen cylinder. Cap or plug open connections if compressor and filter-drier
are not to be installed immediately.