TM 9-4910-387-14-1
(3) Grease Points. Lube fittings are shown in the lube instructions.
a. Introduction. The lube instructions prescribe cleaning and lube
Wipe these items and the surrounding surfaces with a rag (item 14, app C)
procedures, proper materials for tubing, and lube intervals. The location of
before grease (item 7, app C) is applied. If a fitting is missing, cover the hole
fittings is also included. The lube instructions are divided according to lube
with tape (item 20, app C) to keep the dirt out. A new fitting must be installed
intervals; i.e., all the monthly lube instructions are together and all the annual
as soon as possible.
lube instructions are together. Overall views showing grease points precede
the detailed notes.
(4) Lubrication During Maintenance . Only parts requiring periodic
b. General Lube Instructions.
lubrication are shown in the lubrication instructions. Other parts of the tester
that require lubrication only when they are being reassembled or replaced are
not mentioned here. If you suspect that other items may need to be removed
(1) Service Intervals. Service intervals specified in the lube
and lubricated, notify organizational maintenance.
instructions are for normal operation and where controlled temperature,
humidity, and atmospheric conditions prevail.
(2) Lube Equipment. Each tester is supplied with lube equipment
adequate for its maintenance. Clean this equipment with a rag (item 14, app C)
before and after use. Use lubricating guns carefully to ensure a proper
distribution of grease (item 7, app C).