Section I. PREFACE
1. General
digit number preceding the colon
a. This appendix is a list of items which
in the description column).
(2) Manufacturer's part number (the
are required to be stocked by organiza-
t i o n a l maintenance units as their pre-
number, a n d sometimes letters,
scribed load. Also listed are additional
following the colon, (1) above).
repair parts which may be required for
Dashes, commas, or other marks
performing organizational maintenance
must be included exactly as listed.
(3) Noun name and dimensions, if nec-
but are to be requisitioned, as required,
for immediate use only.
b. For prices of items of ordnance ma-
(4) Name of manufacturer of end item
teriel, see the appropriate supply manual
(from cover of TM or manufactur-
of the SM 9-2 series. Prices of items that
er's name plate).
are the responsibility of other commodity
(5) Federal stock number of end item
commands may be obtained from the ap-
(from TM).
(6) Manufacturer's mode 1 number
propriate type 2 supply manuals for those
( f r o m TM or name/data p1ate,
c. Additional application of items in this
preferably name/data plate).
manual are listed in the supply manuals
(7) M a n u f a c t u r e r ' s seria1 number
of the SM 9-3 series.
(from name/data plate).
(8) Any other information such as type,
frame number, and electrical
2. Requisition Notes
characteristics, if applicable.
a. Repair Part Identified by Federal
(9) If DD Form 1348 is used, fill in all
Stock Number.
blocks except 4, 5, 6, and Remarks
(1) If the exact item requisitioned is
field, in accordance with AR 750-
not furnished, or if other action is
50. Complete form as follows:
necessary, the exact nature of the
(a) In blocks 4, 5, and 6, list manu-
action taken by the supply agency
facturer's code and manufactur-
will be indicated by standard sym-
er's part number (as listed in
bols on prescribed forms.
description column).
(2) When requisitioning an item, the
(b) In Remarks field, list noun name
requesting agency will order the
(repair part), end item applica-
listed item. However, the supply-
tion (FSN of end item), manufac-
ing agencies will take necessary
turer, model number (end item),
serial number (end item), and
i t e m until stock is exhausted,
any other pertinent information
whether it be an individual item,
such as frame number, type, etc.
kit, set, or assembly.
b. Part to which FSN has not been as-
3. Explanation of Columns
signed. When requisitioning a C source
(local procurement) item identified only
a. Source, Maintenance, and Recover-
by a manufacturer's part number, it is
ability Code (Col. 1).
mandatory that the following information
(1) Materiel numerical codes (co1. la).
be furnished the supply officer:
This column indicates the respon-
(1) Manufacturer's code number (5
sible commodity command for the