"ON" position and the ampere reading
Warning: Before reaching into the
o n the load dc ammeter (1) should
high voltage compartment to change
return to 300 amperes reading and the
t h e position of the drive reversing
v o l t a g e reading on the dc voltmeter
switch, place the toggle switch on the
(4) should return to 28 volts with not
more than 7.5 amperes reading on the
position, as high voltage exists in the
field dc ammeter (2), as specified in
s u r r o u n d i n g area of this compart-
( 3 ) above. P e r f o r m this shock test
s e v e r a l times on the generator and
d . Test Procedure.
(1) The position of switches and controls
results as indicated above.
(5) P l a c e the three 100-50 fixed load
(3) through (10) below are listed in
the "OFF" position, then increase the
o f these items in positions indicated
ampere load slowly by using the
of the table before tests
in column
above fixed load switches, and if neces-
a r e started except for one change,
sary, by placing the 0-25 0-12.5 load
which is the 40-ohm 30-ampere maxi-
s w i t c h (12-D) in the "ON" position
mum rheo-reg switch (key no. 17 in
a n d turning the variable load 0-25
t h e table). P l a c e this switch in the
0 - 1 2 . 5 ampere rheostat (13) slowly
" R E G " position
clockwise and observe a slight drop-
" R H E O " position, also be sure the
off in the regulator voltage on the dc
voltage adjusting rheostat (4, fig. 15)
is turned fully counterclockwise.
the ampere reading on the load dc
(2) T h i s test is performed as prescribed
a m m e t e r (1), when the current regu-
for the generator performance test in
and d, except a gen-
control box goes into action.
e r a t o r regulator is connected in the
(6) P l a c e the three fixed load switches
circuit of the test stand
( 1 2 - A ) in the "OFF" position and
a n d the setting of the 40-ohm 30-
t u r n the rheostat (13) fully counter-
a m p e r e maximum rheo-reg switch is
clockwise. Continue with the differen-
changed, (1) above. The 40-ohm
t i a l voltage and reverse current test
field current rheostat (16) is not used
f o r the differential and reverse cur-
f o r this test, except in (10) below,
a s the generator regulator compen-
sates for this item.
Note. The starter test load disconnect
s w i t c h (10) remains in the "ON" position
(3) W h e n p e r f o r m i n g t h e t e s t s ( p a r .
f o r the following tests.
the ampere reading should be
(7) Place the 40-ohm 30-ampere maxi-
mum rheo-reg switch (17) in the
( 1 ) , the voltage reading 28 volts on
" R H E O ' ) position, the load dc am-
than 7.5 amperes reading on the field
m e t e r range selector switch in the
dc ammeter (2) if the generator reg-
"50A (X1)" position, and the dc volts-
u l a t o r is performing properly.
m i l l i v o l t s range selector switch (7)
in the 900MV position. Turn the 40-
tor control box while performing tests
ohm field current rheostat (16) slowly
above. Place the starter test load dis-
clockwise until the voltage on the dc
c o n n e c t switch (10) to "OFF" posi-
v o l t m e t e r (4) indicates 2 to 4 volts
t i o n and the voltage reading on the
below battery voltage (below 18
v o l t s ) , then place the battery switch
the load disconnect switch (10) to the
(20) in the "ON" position.