TM 9-4910-623-14 & P
When working with high pressures and precision parts, be sure all
c o n n e c t i n g components are clean before attaching to any device
Clean components by pumping fluid through the
being tested.
connector components.
A v o i d continual testing in the upper 1/5 of the gage scale with-
I t can cause excessive hydraulic shocks
o u t gage valve closed.
a n d result in reduced gage life.
P r e p a r a t i o n for Testing.
U s i n g proper nuts, adapters, or connectors (1, fig 3) and tube as-
s e m b l y (2), connect and adapt assembly to the discharge connection
Place collector cup (4) under nozzle tip.
L o o s e n filler cap (5) and turn pump valve (6) counterclockwise two
o r three turns.
Purge the nozzle under test by operating the handle with a pumping
O p e n gage valve (7) counterclockwise one turn.
Operate pump handle and note when gage (8) shows a drop in pressure.
T h i s is the delivery pressure of the fuel being dispersed from the
(Refer to appropriate manual on the nozzle
injector nozzle tip.
u n d e r test for its delivery.)
open gage valve (7) counterclockwise
Upon completion of the test,
u n t i l pressure is released from nozzle and tester.
Remove injector and connector assembly from tester and nozzle.