TM 9-4935-481-14-1
within the MTS, and check the switching point of the DMS-D error comparators.
4. The align indicator lamp, when illuminated, indicates that UUT alignment should be performed as required by the test
in progress.
6. Freq (Hz) switch is used to select the indicated frequency to the MTS low pass filters.
5. The overvolt stimuli connector J1 is used to provide a circuit for testing the overvoltage circuit in the monitoring set
battery charger. Align connector J2 is used to apply a digital signal to test points. Align connector J3 is used to apply dc
voltage to UUT test points.
(c) The tracker section is used to fault isolate the tracker.
6. The trigger pulse simulator portion of the TTS section has both width and amplitude adjustment capabilities.
1. The detector simulator generates signals which simulate the output of the tracker IR detector cell. The amplitude of
7. The amptd(volts) controls the amplitude of the simulated trigger pulse.
the detector simulator is controlled by the X10-8 , X10-9, X10-10 (coarse) control and the amptd (amps) (fine) control.
8. The width(ms) switch controls the width of the simulated trigger pulse.
2. The DC offset of the detector simulator signal is variable in both amplitude and polarity. The vertical offset signal
9. These controls are enabled by placing the trigger output switch in the MNL position. The spring loaded trigger switch
amplitude is controlled by the vert(volts) control and the polarity is determined by the vert (volts), plus/zero/ minus switch. The
must be actuated for each test, in either manual or automatic testing operations. The trigger pulse amplitude may be read on
horizontal offset signal amplitude is controlled by the horiz (volts) control and the polarity is determined by the horiz (volts),
the DMM by placing the trigger output switch in the read position.
plus/zero/minus switch.
3. The frequency control varies the frequency of the simulated IR detector signal.
10. The rate simulator portion of the TTS section controls the polarity and amplitude of the horizontal and vertical rate
signals when enabled by the MNL position of the PPE sequence switch. The horizontal potentiometer controls the horizontal
4. The appropriate switch selection in the control portion of the tracker section will apply the filter selection voltage, +13
rate signal amplitude, and the vertical potentiometer controls the vertical rate signal amplitude. The pulse switch applies a
and -13 Vdc power voltage, nutator cam inhibit voltage, and first motion signal to the tracker.
pulse to the UUT.
11. The vertical wire simulator portion of the TTS section provides a simulated vertical wire signal to the UUT. The
(d) The TTS section of the DMS-D is used to performance test and fault isolate the TTS.
amptd(volts) dial controls the amplitude of the vertical guidance signal. The width (ms) switch controls the width of the vertical
guidance signal. The period(ms) switch controls the pulse repetition rate of the vertical guidance signal. The +dc/pulse/-dc
1. The program performance evaluation portion of the TTS section determines the type and mode of operation to be
switch is used to check the UUT wire clamp circuit on the dc level. All switches and controls are enabled by the MNL position
of the PPE sequence switch.
performed. When the sequence switch is in align positions 1 through 6, stimuli are provided to calibrate various circuits in the
TTS. Auto position 1 through 16 automatically programs selected test functions. When the sequence switch is in the MNL
12. The horizontal wire simulator portion of the TTS section provides a simulated horizontal wire signal to the UUT. The
position other controls, in the TTS section are enabled, providing a capability for manually testing a UUT.
dc level dial controls the polarity and amplitude of the horizontal guidance signal. The ripple control adjustment determines
2. The function test switch selects the applied voltage and tests pertaining to the UUT power circuits, as well as
the peak to peak amplitude of ripple voltage about the horizontal guidance signal. Both controls are enabled by the MNL
position of the PPE sequence switch.
controlling miscellaneous functions within the test set.
3. The test start switch activates each function or test, whether manual or automatic. This provides reset signals to the
13. The sum difference simulator portion of the TTS section provides simulated tracker sum and difference signals to the
DMS-D circuits, and power and reset signals to the UUT circuits. When the test or function has been in progress for 30 or 60
UUT. The sum and difference controls provide a means of varying the amplitude of the sum and difference signals.
seconds (as appropriate for the test in progress) a reset signal is generated in the UUT which deactivates the circuits in the
DMS-D that supply power to the UUT.