TM 10-1670-213-10
and fitted Martin-Baker parachute ejection seat restraint
d. Canopy Release. A canopy release (fig.
harness. A release assembly is located at the top left
110) is located at the top left and right front side of each
and right front side of each parachute harness. The
parachute harness, except the NB-8 harness. The
device connects the harness main lift web to the riser
device connects the harness main lift web to the riser
assembly and is operated manually.
The canopy
assembly and is operated manually.
The canopy
release is designed to permit immediate detachment-of
release is designed to permit immediate detachment of
the canopy when landing in high winds or water, which is
the canopy when landing in wind or water.
e. Koch Type Canopy Release. This canopy
Figure 1-9. The Chest Type Parachute With Ripcord Grip and Locking Pins Installed.