TM 10-1670-213-10
(a) Raise the locking lever with an
(b) Grip the actuating lever with the
finger tip or the thumb and pull downward (View C, fig. 2-
25). This action will release the Koch type canopy release
After the parachute canopy has been
jettisoned, close the canopy release
safety covers to prevent them from
accidentally punching holes in the LPU
or life raft.
g. Canopy Entanglement. Should you become
entangled or covered by the collapsed canopy, remain
calm, and grasp the nearest canopy seam. Follow the
seam until the canopy skirt is reached and surfacing is
possible. Should the feet or legs become entangled in the
canopy lines, relax and work slowly and carefully to
become separated from the lines.
Your floatation gear will keep your head well above
water, even when covered with a water saturated
Figure 2-25. Releasing Koch TYP6 Canopy Release Assembly
*U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE: 1991 - 281-504/47494