Section I. GENERAL
Form 787-1 (Electronic Equipment Re-
port) to the Commanding Officer, U. S.
a. This manual describes Operations
Army Signal Materiel Support Agency,
C e n t e r , Communications AN/MSC-31
ATTN: SIGMS-MLM, Fort Monmouth,
(para 6) and
covers its installation, oper-
N. J., as prescribed in AR 700-38 (for DA
ation, theory, and maintenance. It also in-
Form 468) and in AR 700-39 (for DD Form
cludes instructions for installing com-
ponents not provided as part of Shelter,
b. Report of Damaged or Improper
Electrical Equipment S-183/MSC-31 (fig.
Shipment. Fill out and forward DD Form
5). Except for the
shelter and
its com-
6 (Report of Damaged or Improper Ship-
ponents, major components of the AN/
ment) as prescribed in AR 700-58.
MSC-31 are covered in detail in their re-
c. Preventive Maintenance Forms. Pre-
spective technical manuals (appx I).
pare preventive maintenance forms for
the major c o mp o n e nts of Operations
b. Official nomenclature followed by (*)
is used to indicate all models of the equip-
specified in their respective technical
ment covered in this manual. Thus, Switch-
board, Telephone, Manual SB-22(*)/PT
d. Parts List Form. Forward DA Form
represents Switchboards, T e 1 e p h o n e,
2028 (Recommended Changes to DA Tech-
Manual SB-22/PT and SB-22A/PT; and
nical Manual Parts Lists or Supply Manual
Intercommunication Station LS-147(*)/FI
7, 8, or 9) direct to the Commanding Offi-
represents Intercommunication Stations
cer, U. S. Army Signal Materiel Support
LS-147A/FI, LS-147B/FI, LS-147C/FI,
Agency, ATTN: SIGMS-MLM, Fort Mon-
and LS-147D/FI.
mouth, N. J., with comments on parts list-
e. Comments on Manual. Forward all
other comments concerning this publica-
tion direct to the Commanding Officer,
a. Unsatisfactory Equipment Report.
U. S. Army Signal M a t e r i e 1 Support
Fill out and forward DA Form 468 (Un-
Agency, ATTN: SIGMS-PA2d, Fort Mon-
mouth, N. J.
satisfactory Equipment Report) or DD
(fig. 1), and drafting and display board
facilities required by the signal operations
Operations C e n t e r, Communications
officer to plan, engineer, and control an
ular-transportable field communications
AN/MSC-31 is normally used with Opera-
operations office. The AN/MSC-31 (fig. 5)
tions Central AN/MSC-32 (TM 11-5895 -
contains telephone switchboard, intereom-
224-15) at corps and army signal centers.
munication, and local telephone circuits