TM 55-1930-203-10
b. Maintenance. Operating personnel are not assigned maintenance functions for the radio set or intercom components.
Report all malfunctions to organizational maintenance.
3-21. Life Raft
Life Jackets are stored in a steel box (fig. 3-25) mounted on the aft deck of the LARC. The cover of the storage box is designed to
float free should the LARC sink suddenly.
Figure 3-25. Top view of LARC-LX showing steel box containing life jackets.
3-22. Life Rings
a General. Six vest-type life preservers are stored in
the aft starboard storage area. The preservers are made of
fiberglass with
a cotton drill cover and are equipped with tying straps and a collar. The cotton drill cover is sea rescue color.
b. Inspection. Inspect each preserver for rips, holes, signs of dry rot, and missing straps. Report all defects to organizational
3-23. Life Rings
a. General. The LARC is equipped with two
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