TM 55-4920-384-13&P
1-1. G e n e r a l . This document is issued as the 1 - 2 . Scope. The purpose of the test stand is to pro-
vide an external means to test and monitor air-
Driven Hydraulic Test Stand, Type D-
5 C , This unit, hereafter referred to as the
"Test Stand", i s built to specification MIL-
T-7612C. The unit is identified by the
Maintenance Forms, Records and Reports.
manufacturer as P/N 74TS1000 and by the
Maintenance Forms, Records and Reports
government with National Stock Number
which are to be used by maintenance person-
nel at all levels are listed in and prescribed by
as the operating instructions and
DA PAM 738-751.
m a i n t e n a n c e instructions for aviation unit
and intermediate maintenance levels.
of the aircraft hydraulic test stand is to per-
1 - 4 . D e s c r i p t i o n .
The aircraft hydraulic test
form the following test operations on aircraft
stand consists of a gasoline engine driven,
h y d r a u l i c systems; flush or fill the system
variable volume, variable pressure, axial pis-
w i t h micronically filtered hydraulic fluid,
ton-type hydraulic pump. The necessary con-
through high pressure and low pressure hoses
trols and instruments are included to select
(Fig, 1-3) provide a source of hydraulic pres-
and control the desired phase of operation. The
s u r e for testing aircraft hydraulic systems
e n t i r e unit is trailer mounted for mobility
without the necessity of operating the aircraft
(Fig. 1-1) and protected from weather by a
hydraulic system, including aircraft with pres-
movable housing assembly fitted with hinged
surized reservoir system dimensions of the