TM 55-4920-394-13&P
f. Install guide (35) in stop (36). Thread guide into the adjusting screw (34). Insert adjusting screw in
housing (38) so that guide fits housing slots. Check operation of guide in housing if guide is properly centered,
it will travel easily in housing slots with no evidence of binding.
g. Place lever (33) and washer (32) on housing (38). Install key (31) in slot of adjustment screw (34).
Position handwheel (30) and install nut (29).
h. Thread the maximum volume control (28) into the top of the compensator cap (26).
i. Install the piston (5) in the control cylinder (6).
The piston may fall out of the cylinder and be damaged.
Handle carefully to prevent scratching or damage. Hold piston
in cylinder by wrapping masking tape around compensator.
4-37. Installation Of Compensator Cap Assembly.
a. Install new compensator cap mounting pad gasket.
b. Remove masking tape from compensator cap assembly if installed.
The piston may fall out of the cylinder and may be damaged. Handle carefully.
c. Place compensator cap assembly on mounting pad. Thread the four screws securing it to the pump.
d. Remove plugs from 45 degree elbow (3) and hose (2) fitting and connect hose.
4-38. Main Pump Motor .
(Refer to
Fig. 3-11). Repair main pump motor as
a. Disassemble in order of key index numbers assigned to figure 3-11.
b. Clean and dry all non-electrical parts. Clean electrical parts with clean, lint-free cloth moistened with
c. Inspect all parts for wear and damage. Check bearings (6) for roughness and excessive play. Check
cap (5, 8) for wear. Inspect rotor (10) for obvious wear, damage and shaft distortion. Inspect coils in frame
assembly (4) for worn or damaged insulation, evidence of flashing or overheating, and security of terminals.