TM 55-4920-394-13&P
d. Reassemble in reverse order of disassembly. Pack bearings with lubricant.
e. After reassembly, apply 500 volts ac between each lead and frame (4) for one minute. There shall be no
evidence of burning, flashing, or insulation breakdown.
f. Reinstall motor in test stand without reinstalling main pump.
g. Run motor and check to ensure that there is no evidence of unusual noise, or excessive vibration. If any
of these conditions are evident, disassemble motor and check bearings (6) for roughness or excessive play.
Replace bearings if required and repeat test.
4-39. General.
4-40. Inspection. Prior to any testing or operation, the test stand shall be thoroughly inspected for proper
interconnection and installation of all components. Check electrical connections and hydraulic connections in
particular. During testing observe the following:
a. Check for signs of hydraulic leaks. A hot hydraulic line may indicate a leak, or indicate that the high
pressure relief valve is set below the pressure compensator control setting of the high pressure pump.
b. Check for excessive vibration of assemblies or hydraulic lines. Make certain that all hydraulic lines are
properly supported and clamped.
c. Check for chafing or rubbing of tubing or hoses.
d. Check all instrument lights on panel for operation, including lights behind filter bleed sight tubes and
e. Check for erratic indication on gages and meters.
f. Check for unusual noise in pumps, gears, or other mechanical parts.
4-41. Service.
Prior to
any testing or
operation, prepare the test stand for use as
given in
Chapter 2, Section
4-42. Testing.
4-43. General Procedure.
The test stand shall be
operated in
accordance with instructions in
Chapter 2,
Section II. The test procedures in subsequent paragraphs give basic data only.
4-44. Run-In And Temperature Test.
a. Operate test stand using an external reservoir as follows: