TM 9-1345-203-12
sists of an electric blasting cap M6, and 100 feet of firing
wire terminating in an electrical connector and shorting plug.
Shipping plug-priming adapter is reversed
when mine is to be armed.
actuation of firing device handle (safety bail in armed posi-
(b) The molded, knife-edge sight on later models
tion) produces an electrical pulse that will detonate blasting
(slit-type peep-sight on old model(s)) is used to aim mine.
cap. The detonation of the blasting cap, in turn, detonates
mine high explosive charge (comp C-4). Detonation of high
(c) Two pairs of folding legs make possible the
explosive charge propels steel balls in mine toward the
emplacement of mine on all types of surfaces. Mine can also
enemy in a fan-shaped pattern.
be tied to posts, trees, etc.
b. Use. Mine is of a directional, fixed, fragmentation-
(2) The accessories of the mine (fig. 1-5) consist of a
type, used primarily for defense of bivouac areas, outposts,
firing device M57, and hand-held pulse generator, test set
and against infiltration tactics. It is also effective against
M40 (used for checking continuity of mine firing circuit),
such thin-skinned vehicles as jeeps, automobiles, trucks, etc.
and an electric blasting cap assembly M4, which initiates
main charge of mine. The blasting cap assembly M4 con-