TM 9-1345-203-12
(2) Align hole in igniter with hole in pull ring shaft and
insert safety pin through both holes.
g. Arming and Non-Electric Firing. Instructions for lay-
ing, aiming, and arming using two non-electric blasting caps
M7, a piece of detonating cord approximately 25 feet long, a
Install a new shock tube igniter, if available, and
pull-wire, and a pull-type or pull-friction type firing device
attempt to fire.
such as M1 or M3 are outlined below.
If the blasting cap assembly activates but the
munition fails to function, the munition is con-
sidered to be a dud.
To arm mine by methods below, a thorough
Flag for EOD disposal.
materials and use and installation of land mines
and boobytraps is required. Refer to FM 5-
(2) Operational Mission.
250, FM 5-31, and TM 9- 1375-213-12.
If the shock tube igniter is pulled and M18A1
(1) For pull-wire initiation:
does not function, re-cock the shock tube igniter
and attempt to fire again. Igniter can be re-
Laying and aiming mine are performed in same
cocked twice.
manner as that used for electric firing. Refer to b
and c above for laying and aiming.
Crimp a blasting cap M7 to a pull-type device,
Re-cocking igniter may require a quarter turn
using cap crimping pliers M2 (with fuze cutter)
to push ring all the way in.
for this operation.
If there is an additional igniter and time permits,
Fasten one end of detonating cord to blasting cap
remove the original shock tube igniter and mea-
that is attached to firing device ((b) above) by
sure approximately 3 feet (1 m) down the shock
Fasten firing device securely to a firmly
Cut the shock tube at the measured point with
shock tube cutter or knife (straight 90 degree
tape, wire, twine, or anchor cord.
cut), being careful not to crimp the shock tube.
Install a new shock tube igniter, if available, and
Slip slotted end of the shipping plug priming
attempt to fire.
adapter over other end of the detonating cord.
If additional igniter is not available, take control
Insert detonating cord end fully into second
of the situation, flag the M18A1, and notify EOD
blasting cap. Crimp cap to detonating cord,
for proper disposal.
using cap crimping pliers M2 for this operation.
Seat cap (with detonating cord) in shipping plug
priming adapter and carefully insert cap into
(1) Remove safety pin (cotter pin) from anti-static bag
in bandoleer.
Secure the cap in well by carefully screwing
shipping plug priming adapter into detonator
Change 4