TM 9-1345-203-12
(2) Backblast. Within an area of 16 meters (figure 2-
(b) Radius of 16 to 100 meters from mine. Minimum
12.2) to the rear and sides of the mine, backblast can cause
safe operating distance from mine is 16 meters. At this dis-
injury by concussion and secondary missiles. Up to 100
tance, the operator should be in a foxhole or dugout or
meters to rear and sides of mine, all friendly personnel must
should lie prone, preferably in a depression. All friendly
be under cover for protection from secondary missiles.
troops, including operator, within 100 meters of mine should
take cover behind a boulder, tree, or similar shelter to pre-
(a) Radius of 0 to 16 meters from mine. Friendly
vent being injured by flying secondary missiles, sticks,
troops are prohibited in this area.
stones, pebbles, etc.
Figure 2-12.2. Casualty and danger areas of
antipersonnel mine M18A1 with non-electric initiation system.