TM 9-1375-213-12
must assure a good contact to the detonating cord. The
b. Overlap the newly cut free ends by 18 inches.
cap must be securely attached to the detonating cord at
a point at least six inches from the free end using several
c. Secure the cords together with detonating
wraps of tape, string or cloth or an M1 Detonating Cord
cord clips, 6 inches from each end of the free ends
Clip (figs. 2-13 and 2-17). Hookup of an electric cap is
done in the normal electric priming sequence consider-
ing the detonating cord as the charge (since it is coupled
directly to the charge).
2-11. Detonating Cord Commections
The preferred method of connecting the detonating
cord is as follows:
The 6-inch overlap of each free end is to
keep any moisture absorbed after the
a. Cut off at
least 6
inches from
each free end to
splice is made from affecting the overlap
be connected. Tape cut off pieces to the charge to
avoid separate disposal.
area between the two clips.
Change 10 2-14.7 (2-14.2 blank)