TM 9-1375-213-12
Figure 2-27. Detonating cord priming and auxiliary booster priming of
cratering charge.
tion charges M118 and M186 may be primed as
(d) Method four. Insert end of blasting
cap 1 inches between two sheets of charge (D,
(a) Method one. Attach blasting cap holder
(2) Detonating cord priming.
sive and insert electric or nonelectric blasting cap
(a) Sheet charges may be primed with det-
in holder until end of cap presses against sheet
onating cord by attaching a nonelectric blasting
cap to end of detonating cord and following meth-
(b) Method two.
ods outlined in (1) above. Detonating cord is then
attached to a nonelectric or electric initiation sys-
Cut sheet explosive with sharp knife on
(b) If blasting caps are not available, sheet
nonsparking surface. Do not use shears.
charges can be primed with detonating cord, using
Cut notch approximately 1 inches long and
inch wide in sheet charge and insert blasting cap
taping, by placing it between 2 sheets of explo-
to limit of notch; secure blasting cap with string,
sive, or by fastening it with a 3-inch square of
sheet explosive.
(c) Method three. Place blasting cap on top
of sheet charge and secure with strip of sheet
c. Military Dynamite M1. Dynamite (para
charge at least 1 inches by 3 inches (C, fig.
1-11) can be
primed at
either end or at
side. End
priming is used when a whole case is fired or