TM 9-1375-213-12
previously reprimed. You have to hit
3-19. Repriming Procedures
the primer to knock it out.
Reprime coupling bases for firing devices as fol-
h. Clean out hole through coupling base
using stick or wire.
i. Insert new primer in coupling base.
j. Grasp coupling base nipple with pliers,
and push primer end against wood block to seat
Never attempt to remove an unfired or
Make sure primer flange butts against
misfired primer from a coupling base.
coupling base body.
k. Repack.
3-20. Color
Coding of
Boxes with Light
Firing devices may be reused several
times in training by replacing or reprim-
ing coupling bases.
Boxes with less than full contents will be
a. Following is required:
painted orange as follows:
(1) Clean, smooth work surface.
a. Check contents with markings on box to
(2) Stiff wire or a strong, round stick
verify that nomenclature and lot number are
about 1/16-inch in diameter and two or three
inches long. (A No. 2 paper clip will do.)
b. Make diagram of markings on box and
(3) Clean rag.
record all markings except quantity figure.
(4) Small pair of pliers.
c. Apply orange enamel to all outer surfaces
(5) Knife.
of box. If enamel is not available, use orange lac-
(6) Small block of wood.
b. Remove fired coupling base from firing
d. When box is dry, re-mark box as dia-
gramed (b above).
c. Use pliers to remove any part of fired
blasting cap still crimped to coupling base nip-
e. Count quantity of items in box and mark
number on box in same position as the original
d. Wire coupling base clean with rag.
quantity figure.
e. If this is the first repriming of the cou-
f. Print the words LIGHT BOX on each
pling base, use knife to scrape glue from around
side of box, using approximately same size let-
primer flange,
ters as original markings.
f. Grasp coupling base gently with pliers
around threads on primer side of flange, seat-
ing pliers against flange.
g. Insert wire or stick into nipple hole.
Using organizations will apply this pro-
Swing coupling base against something solid, so
cedure only when boxes with less than
as to strike the stick or wire and knock the
full contents will be returned to storage
fired primer out of its hole.
area or transported to new location.
When painting of boxes is required,
remarking (except quantity) may be
avoided by applying masking tape on
Pushing will not usually dislodge
markings prior to painting box orange.
primer, especially if base has not been
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