TM 9-2320-211-10
The instructions contained in this section provide information relative to the operation of
vehicles under moderate temperature, humidity, and terrain conditions. For information
concerning the operation of vehicles under unusual conditions, refer to Section 111 of this
This vehicle has been designed to operate safely and efficiently within the limits
specified in this TM. Operation beyond these limits is prohibited IAW AR 70-1
without written approval from the Commander, U.S. Army Tank-Automotive Com-
mand, ATTN: AMSTA-CM-S, Warren, MI 48397-5000.
2-6. Assembly
and Preparation for Use.
When a new, used, or reconditioned vehicle is first received by the using organization, it is
the responsibility of the officer-in-charge to determine whether the vehicle has been properly
prepared for service by the supply organization, and to be sure it is in condition to perform its
respective function.
Organizational maintenance will provide any additional service that may be required to bring
the vehicle up to operating standards. Whenever practical, the operator will assist organizational
personnel with this service.
Before you attempt to operate your vehicle, be sure to perform the preventive
maintenance checks and services shown in table 3-1.
2-7. Starting the Engine.
a. General. The M39 series trucks covered by this manual may be equipped with either
gasoline, diesel or multifuel engines. Starting instructions are described separately to assist you
in understanding the starting problems of each engine at various temperatures.
(1) Starting the gasoline engine: paragraph 2-7b.
Allowing the engine to run with the transmission engaged and the transfer in
NEUTRAL may cause transfer bearing failures. Always shift the transmission into
NEUTRAL when the engine is running while the truck is stationary.
*U.S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE; 1989 643-025/00153