and lower trailers with two pieces of 1 x 0.035-
four wires tightly around cable to secure the loop.
inch hot-rolled steel strapping "F". Apply strap
Make certain the loop is well above the free cable
seals and crimp.
(d) Insert free cable end through the loop,
pulling the cable hand tight and form another loop
Apply suitable dunnage, such as creped
cellulose wadding (kimpak) or corrugated
winding ends tightly around the cable.
cardboard between trailers and strapping
(e) Locate a random length 2 x 2-inch cleat
at each contact point.
between cables. Insert end of a tightening tool at
(b) Encircle rear end of upper and lower
approximate center of cables and twist-tie cables
trailers with four strands of No. 8 gage black
just taught enough to remove all slack, retaining
annealed wires "J" and secure to stake pockets (fig.
cleat in its position between cables.
7-2). Twist-tie as prescribed for drawbar stripping
(f) Repeat above operation for opposite side
(g (4) above).
of flatcar.
i. Gondola or Boxcar Strapping (optional for
(5) Body strapping "J". Locate cable (4)
Flatcars). Locate 1 x 0.035-inch hot-rolled steel
above and attach to rear end of trailer bracket and
strapping at each location specified in g and h
stake pocket. Twist-tie as prescribed for drawbar
above, where strapping is attached to stake pockets.
strapping (4 above).
Coil strapping around steel anchor plates as shown
h. Strapping Trailers for Double Loading (fig. 7-
anchor plates to car floor with not less than six
twentypenny nails (doubleheader nails preferred).
Separate upper and lower trailers by 2 x 4
As an alternate method of securing trailers to car
inches, length to suit dunnage.
floors, form and substitute a cable "J", consisting
(1) Landing leg. Place landing legs in position
of four strands of No. 8 gage black annealed wire or
(Fig. 7-2) and secure to
car floor by
passing one 2 x
wires of equivalent strength, at each location for
2 \ 18-inch cleat through loop at lower end of leg.
steel strapping "F". Attach cables to car floors by
Nail cleat to car floor with thirtypenny nails.
wrapping around wooden cleats "K" (2 x 4 x 18-
(2) Lunette strapping "J" (No. 8 gage black
inches). Locate cleats lengthwise of car and nail to
annealed wire, length to suit). Locate cable (g (4)
car floor with thirtypenny nails (g (4) above). Join
above) and attach to stake pockets. Twist-tie as
both ends of cable together, twist, and tighten with
prescribed for drawbar strapping (g (4) above).
rod or bolt just taut enough to take up slack (details
(3) Body strapping.
(a) Encircle both front and rear of upper