must be used in cases where the trailer is not on a
close to the inside height limits of the boxcar, it will
be necessary to first load the trailer on an adjacent
leve with the flatear deck. Trailers on a warehouse
platform or loading dock can be pivoted over
flatcar. The two end doors must be opened before
spanning platforms aboard a flatcar adjacent to the
the flatcar is coupled to the doorend of the boxcar.
platform, then again pivoted into lateral position on
the flatear.
When ordering end-door boxcars, it must
(b) When unboxed trailers must be loaded
b e remembered that some automobile
boxcars may be received with an overhead
from ground level, a ramp may be improvised by
built-in rack which affects inside height
borrowing railroad ties normally found stacked in
r a i l r o a d yards and by procuring necessary
calculations. Specify inside height required.
Keep open end doors clear of traffic on
(c) To accomplish loading, the trailer is
adjacent tracks.
towed or pushed onto the improvised apron at base
(b) Side-door boxcars are provided with
of ramp. While the trailer is moving up the ramp,
either single or double rolling doors at each side and
follow up forward movement by chocking behind
must be loaded from a platform of about the same
one wheel of the trailer. This will prevent un-
level as the boxcar floor or from an adjacent flatcar.
desirable rearward travel and assist loading.
Automobile cars of this type have large side door
(d) After the first trailer or trailers are
openings and present less diffiulty in loading. Steel
loaded on the flatcar, additional trailers may be
plates or spanninh platforms must be used to bridge
similarly hauled aboard and located on flatcars as
the gap between platform and car.
shown in figures 7-l and 7-2. When a train of
(4) Loading ramp.
flatcars is being loaded, steel or wooden spanning
(a) A ramp for end-loading of trailers on
platforms or bridges are used to cover the gap
open top freight cars may be improvised as
between cars. Flatcar brake wheels must first be
prescribed in TM 55-200 when no permanent
lowered to floor level to permit passage. These
ramps of hoisting facilities are available. The width
spanning platforms are moved along the train by
of the ramp for loading trailers may be constructed
hand as the trailer advances.
to provide two double-plank runways, each cleated
(e) The above method of train loading
together. Length of planking must be determined
with consideration to underchassis clearance,
requires careful planning as to the order of loading,
so that trailers are arranged on each flatcar under
in order to clear the hump at upper end of ramp.
and 7-2).
Personnel guiding the trailers up the ramp
(2) Gondola car loading.
must exerise care when working close to
(a) Fixed-end gondola cars may only be
the edges of the ramp planking.
loaded when hoisting facilities are available for
(b) The car bearing the ramp must be
initial loading and for unloading at
securely blocked against rolling, particularly when
destinaion. Hopper or drop-bottom gondola cars
the car brakes are not applied as in trail loading.
without false flooring and hoisting facilities are not
Successive cars must remain coupled and be ad-
to be usedl for shipments of unboxed trailers.
ditionally chocked at several points along the train
(b) Drop-end gondola cars may be loaded
if ground towing of vehicles aboard the train is
exactly as described for flatcars ( (1) above).
being affected.
Height of fixed sides is immaterial. Trailers may
(c) Whenever the freight cars are not on an
progress through a gondola car by passing over the
isolated track or blocked siding, each end approach
two inwardly-dropped ends and over spanning
to the train must be posted with a blue flag or light
platforms. Trailers selected to remain in a gondola
to advise that men are at work and that the siding
car are first moved to the closed end of the car, then
may not be entered beyond those points.
spread out for blocking after the remaining end is
(d) Upon completion of the loading
closed and latched.
operation, the ramp planks and bridging devices
(3) Boxcar loading.
should be loaded on the train for use in unloading
operations. Random sizes of timbers used in
Do not block trailers flush against ends of
building the approach apron up to rail level should
gondola car. When ordering gondola cars,
be included. All materials should be securely
specify inside width required as smoe may
fastned to the car floors, after trailers are blocked
be received with gussets along the inner
in place, and entered upon the bill of lading
sides which affect clearance.
(B / L). Railroad ties if borrowed for the operation
(a) End-door boxcars are spotted with the
should not be forwarded to the unloading point
door end toward the ramp and loaded as described
unless specifically required and only with the
for flatears (1) above). When the height of the
consent of the owner.
trailers (double loading, fig. 7-2) to be loaded is