TM 9-2330-294-14
Intervals may be extended during inactive periods
commensurate with adequate preservation.
Continued Operation
Maintain a record of lubrication of the materiel
Below 0 Degrees F.
DA Form 2408-2, Equipment Lubrication
Refer to FM 9-207 for instructions on necessary
special preliminary lubrication of the semitrailer.
3-2. General Lubrication Instructions Under
3-4. Lubrication After Fording Operations
After any fording operation, perform annual
maintenance service on axles. Clean and repack
wheel bearings. Clean brake plungers and lubricate.
Operations Under
Dusty or Sandy Conditions
During continuous operation under dusty or sandy
conditions, reduce lubrication interval by 50 percent.
spections, and are just as important as the specific
The daily preventive-maintenance service is a
b. Inspection to see if items are in good condition,
systematic inspection of the semitrailer each day it is
correctly assembled or stowed, secure, not ex-
operated, so that defects may be discovered and
cessively worn, not leaking, and adequately
rrected before they result in serious damage or
lubricated, applies to most items in the preventive
lure. This service is performed by the operator and
maintenance and inspection procedures. Any or all of
divided into three parts, as indicated in a through
these checks that are pertinent to any item (in-
c below. Any defects or unsatisfactory operating
cluding supporting, attaching, or connecting
characteristics noted during any part of this service,
members) will be performed automatically, as
beyond the scope of the operator, will be reported to
general procedures, in addition to any specific
the organizational maintenance personnel at the
procedures given.
earliest opportunity.
(1) Inspection for "good condition" is usually a
a. Before-Operation Service. This is a brief service
visual inspection to determine whether the unit is
to ascertain that the semitrailer is ready for
damaged beyond safe or serviceable limits. Good
operation: it is mainly a check to see if conditions
condition means that a component or part is not bent
affecting the semitrailer's readiness have changed
or twisted, not chafed or burred, not broken or
since the last after-operation service.
cracked, not bare or frayed, not dented or collapsed,
b. During-Operation Service. This service consists
not tom or cut, or not deteriomted.
of detecting unsatisfactory performance. While
(2) Inspection of any item to see that it is
driving, the driver of the towing vehicle should be
correctly assembled or stowed is usually a visual
alert for any unusual noises, steering irregularities,
inspection to see if the item is in its normal position
or any other indications of malfunction of any part of
in the vehicle and if all parts are present and in their
the semitrailer. Every time he applies the brakes or
correct position.
tires the towing vehicle, the driver should in-
(3) Inspection of an item to determine if it is
stinctively consider it a test and note any unusual or
"secure" is usually a visual examination or a check
nsatisfactory performance.
by hand, wrench, or pry-bar for looseness. Such an
c. After-Operation Services. This service consists
inspection must include any brackets, lock washers,
o f having any deficiencies noted during
lock nuts, locking wires, or cotter pins as well as any
operation and repeating part of the before-operation
connecting tubes, hoses, or wires.
wire. It is the basic daily service for tactical
(4) By "excessively worn" is meant worn
aterial and consists of correcting, insofar as
beyond serviceable limits or to a point likely to result
possible, any operating deficiencies.
in failure if the item is not replaced before next
scheduled inspection. Excessive wear of mating
a. The following general procedures apply to
parts or linkage connections is usually evidenced by
preventive maintenance services and to all in-
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