TM 9-2330-294-14
shall equal the inlet port pressure. Pressure at outlet
leakage at casting surfaces, gaskets and assembly
Ports''A", "B" and "C" shall equal 0 psi.
screws. No leakage is permissible.
(10) Repeat (7).
(7) Place air control valve handle in position
(11) Open vent valve and adjust pressure
No. 2 (second from extreme right). Pressure at outlet
regulator valve (inlet pressure) for 0 psi. Remove air
port ''C'' shall equal the inlet port pressure. Pressure
control valve from testing device.
at outlet port "A", "B" and "D" shall equal 0 psi.
c. Air Suspenison 15 psi Regulator Valve (CPR
(8) Place air control valve handle in position
No. 3 (in line with valve body). Pressure at outlet
(1) Using suitable air lines and fittings, connect
port "A" shall equal the inlet port pressure. Pressure
the air suspension 15 psi regulator valve assembly to
at outlet ports "B", "C" and "D" shall equal 0 psi.
(9) Place air control valve handle in position
No. 4 (extreme left). Pressure at outlet port "D"
Figure E-3. Bench testing the air suspension pressure regulator valves,
suspension 15 psi regulator valve from testing
(2) Close vent valve.
(3) Open hand control valve and adjust
pressure regulator testing valve for an inlet pressure
d. Air Suspension 50 psi Regulator Valve (CPR
of 125 psi.
(1) Using suitable air lines and fittings, connect
(4) Adjust air suspenison 15 psi regulator valve
the air suspension 50 psi regulator valve to a testing
for an outlet port pressure of 15 psi.
(5) Reduce inlet pressure to 0 psi, then reapply
(2) Close vent valve.
125 psi to inlet port. Pressure at outlet port shall be
(3) Open hand control valve and adjust
155 psi.
pressure regulator testing valve for an inlet pressure
( 6 ) Using suitable solution, check air
of 125 psi.
suspension 15 psi regulating valve for air leakage.
(4) Adjust air suspension 50 psi regulator valve
Air leakage at exhaust port shall not exceed a 1-inch
for an outlet port pressure of 50 psi.
diameter bubble in 6 seconds.
(5) Reduce inlet pressure to 0 psi, then reapply
(7) Reduce inlet pressure to 0 psi and remove air