TM 9-2330-381-14
a. Do your Before (B) PREVENTIVE MAINTENANCE CHECKS AND SERVICES (PMCS) before the semitrailer
leaves its containment area (motorpool or other control or dispatch point) or performs its intended mission. Pay
attention to the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS.
b. Do your During (D) PMCS when the semitrailer is being used for its intended mission. During operation checks
means to watch, feel, and listen to the semitrailer and its related components while they are actually being
operated. Pay attention to the WARNINGS and CAUTIONS.
c. Do your After (A) PMCS after the semitrailer has been used for its intended mission. Pay attention to the
d. Do your Weekly (W) PMCS once a week or if you are operating the semitrailer for the first time. Pay attention to
e. Always do your PMCS in the same order. The pattern will become habit, and with practice, anything wrong will be
seen in a hurry.
f. If something does not work or is not right, troubleshoot with the instructions in this manual and notify your
supervisor. Report any faults using the proper form. See DA PAM 738-750.
There are some items that need to be checked that are common to all parts of the semitrailer. Check these items each
time you do your (B) Before PMCS.
Dry cleaning solvent (P-D-680, Type III), is used to clean parts and is potentially
dangerous to personnel and property. Extinguish all smoking materials and do not
allow sparks or open flames near the work area. Use skin and eye protection and
work in a well-ventilated area. Flash point of dry cleaning solvent is 200F (93C).
a. Keep it clean: Dirt, grease, oil, and debris only get in the way and may cover up a serious problem. While doing
your PMCS, clean as you work and as you go. Use dry cleaning solvent (item 26, appx. E) on all metal surfaces.
Use soap and water when you clean rubber and plastic material.
b. Bolts, nuts, and screws: Check them for obvious looseness and missing, bent, defective, or broken condition.
Don't try them all with a tool, but you can look for chipped paint, bare metal, or rust around bolt heads. If you find
one that you think is loose, tighten, and report to unit maintenance.