TM 9-2330-381-14
n. If APU starts and/or fails to start, proceed as follows:
(1) If APU starts, proceed to step o of this procedure.
(2) If APU does not start, repeat steps g and m two more times maximum.
(3) If APU still does not start, lower and secure step section (para. 2-13, step c) and repeat steps d thru m above
as required for proper temperature range to which tractor/semitrailer is exposed.
(4) If APU fails to start after three attempts, notify unit maintenance.
o. Once APU starts, check oil pressure indicator light (10) as follows:
(1) If oil pressure indicator light (10) does not come on, proceed to step p below.
(2) If oil pressure indicator light (10) does not go out when APU starts and runs for approximately 30 to 45
seconds, shut down APU by pushing throttle control (8) all the way in. Close cover on APU control box (4),
and notify unit maintenance.
Cold weather, especially arctic conditions, adversely affects the semitrailer
hydraulics in areas of gage readings and hydraulic filter indicator. During initial
startup, gages will maintain higher than normal pressure readings and the filter
indicator will read in the red. Ample time must be given for the APU and hydraulic
fluid to warm up before operating the hydraulic system or damage to equipment
may result.
During initial starting, the hydraulic filter indicator will read in the red zone. The
red zone means the filter is clogged and filter bypass is occurring. Filter clogging
at this point is because hydraulic fluid viscosity is extremely high due to cold
temperatures and will decrease as the APU warms and hydraulics begin to operate.
Do not operate any hydraulic controls until APU has had time to warm up or
damage to equipment may result.
Change 1 2-210.1/(2-210.2 blank)