TM 9-2330-381-14
b. Remove nut (1), washer (2), and caging bolt (3) from brake chamber (4).
c. Remove dust plug (5) from hole in brake chamber (4) and move dust plug aside. Check hole for caked mud and
clean if necessary.
d. If air pressure is available, release semitrailer brakes to compress spring brake. This will reduce effort required to
cage brakes.
e. Insert key end of caging bolt (3) as far as possible into brake chamber (4). Once bottomed out, rotate caging bolt
(3) clockwise until it stops and locks into place.
f. While pulling slightly on caging bolt (3), install washer (2) and nut (1). Hand tighten nut (1) until it contacts brake
chamber (4).
g. After contact, using 10-inch adjustable wrench (item 43, appx. C), tighten nut (1). As nut is tightened, caging bolt
(3) will draw on parking brake spring assembly and cage (release) the brakes.
h. Visually check brake shoes for contact with brake drum. If there is no apparent contact, brakes are caged. If
there is still contact, continue turning nut (1) clockwise until brake shoe contact with brake drum is broken.