TM 9-2330-381-14
Continue to rotate bogie (11) until axle is approximately parallel with side edge of platform.
Position overhead lifting device (26) over outboard edge of platform directly above upper suspension arm (22) of
bogie (11).
Using two lifting straps, pass one end of each lifting strap (27) between upper suspension arm (22) and
suspension cylinder (28).
Continue to wrap lifting straps (27), under all hoses, a minimum of two times around upper suspension arm (22).
Connect both ends of each lifting strap (27) to overhead lifting device (26). Take up slack in lifting strap (27).
It may be necessary to use a crowbar to unseat lower bearing on bogie as
overhead lifting device is lowered.
Using one person stationed at hydraulic control module, start to raise platform slowly (para. 2-19). Second
person must insert crowbar (29) above upper suspension arm (22) to pry upper suspension arm downward away
from spindle (6). A third person must be used to lower overhead lifting device (26) slightly to prevent upper
suspension arm from rising with platform.