C3, TM 9-2350-230-12
to initiate the following operational tests of the guidance
and control system:
The guidance and control system for the missile
Lamp and meter test
consists of the following components: tracker, rate
Transmitter test
sensor, signal data converter, modulator, power supply,
Tracker alignment test
System self test
components control the missile during its flight from the
a. Optical Tracker. This unit is the "eye" of the
system and is mounted just above, and aligned with, the
The guidance and control system checkout procedures
gunner's telescope. During a missile firing, it tracks the
are outlined in table 2-12 below. A complete checkout of
in-flight missile, determines how far it has moved from
the system is accomplished in four basic tests. These
the line of sight, then sends the information to the signal
tests should be performed in the sequence given. Each
data converter (SDC).
test is described below.
b. Rate Sensor. The rate sensor produces signals
a. Lamp and Meter Test. This test checks that all
corresponding to the rate of turret traverse, gun elevation
lamps on the test checkout panel will light and that the
or depression. These signals are sent to the signal data
test checkout panel null meter is operating properly.
converter to assist in making it possible for the missile to
b. Transmitter Test. This test checks that both
follow a moving line of sight as the gunner is tracking a
transmitter lamps will light and that the transmitter is
moving target.
operating properly.
c. Signal Data Converter. The SDC is the command
c. Tracker Alignment Test. This test aligns the
center of the guidance and control system. The SDC
missile reticle in the gunner's telescope so that the
combines signal output from the tracker with turret
gunner is viewing the same line of sight as the tracker.
traverse and gunlauncher elevation rate information from
the rate sensor to compute corrections necessary to
d. System Self Test. This test automatically analyzes
keep the missile on the line of sight. The correction
the operating condition of the guidance and control
signals are then sent to the modulator as missile
system and displays the result as a red no/go lamp for
command signals.
the unit that is defective or as a green GO lamp if all
units are functioning normally.
d. Modulator. The modulator takes the signals from
the signal data converter and converts them to high
NOTE. Before operation, the crew should be
current output to operate the transmitter.
familiarized with the location and operation of all
e. Optical Transmitter. The transmitter converts the
high current electrical signals into infrared signals. A
narrow infrared beam, containing guidance command
signals is then sent to the missile.