TM 9-2350-230-12
Probable cause
Corrective action
30. Vehicle travels in
High-range clutch failed
Notify support maintenance.
fourth range but
(will not release).
stalls in any other
range. Vehicle
moves in neutral.
a. Notify support maintenance.
31. Vehicle travels in
a. Right-steer clutch failed
first range but
b. Notify support maintenance.
stalls in all other
b. Left-steer clutch failed
ranges. Vehicle is
free in neutral.
a. Notify support maintenance.
32. Vehicle travels in
a. Left-output clutch faulty
second, third, and
b. Notify support maintenance.
fourth range, but
b. Right-output clutch faulty
stalls in first range
and reverse ranges.
Vehicle does not
move in neutral.
a. Notify support maintenance.
33. Vehicle travels in
a. Left-reverse-range clutch
reverse ranges but
stalls out in for-
b. Notify support maintenance.
ward ranges. Vehi-
b. Right-reverse-range clutch
cle does not move
in neutral.
34. Vehicle has only land
Notify support maintenance.
35. Vehicle has only
Notify support maintenance.
water steer.
a. Notify support maintenance.
36. Vehicle pulls to left
a. Steer clutch faulty
or right in first
b. Check steer clutch pressure
range. No steer
b. Piston seal ring leakage
(par. 8-9).
a. Check output clutch pressure
37. Vehicle pulls to left
a. Output-clutch seal ring
or right in second,
leak (par. 8-9).
third and fourth
b. Notify support maintenance.
ranges. No steer
b. Output-clutch faulty
a. Check reverse-range clutch
38. Vehicle pulls to left
a. Reverse-range clutch seal
or right in reverse
ring leak
range. No steer
b. Notify support maintenance.
b. Reverse-range clutch