TM 9-2590-209-14&P
(13) Remove six screws, lockwashers and nuts
securing tube, four flanges and packing (view F).
a. Inspect all hoses, tubes, and elbows for damage
Remove tube.
or excessive wear. Replace defective parts.
(14) Remove six screws and lockwashers
b. Inspect guards, plates, and bracket for cracks,
securing tube, two flanges, and packing to elbow on
fractures, deformation, and nicks. Replace defective
access clamp plate (view G).
(15) Remove six screws, lockwashers, nuts, four
c. Check threaded hose and tube ends and screw
flanges, and packing securing tube (view G). Remove
holes for worn or damaged threads. Replace worn or
damaged parts.
(16) Open rear grille doors.
4-31. Installation.
(17) Remove four screws, lockwashers, two
flanges, and packing from hose on inside of access
clamp plate (view H).
(1) Install five brackets on underside of hull, and
(18) Remove four screws, lockwashers, two
flanges, and packing from hose on inside of access
clamp plate (view I).
(2) Install two tubes, hoses, and five lower tube
brackets to underside of hull, and loosely attach with ten
(19) Remove eight screws and lockwashers
screws and lockwashers (view B).
securing two access clamp plates, and gasket, and
remove two elbows, clamp plates, and gasket (view G).
(3) Connect two hoses to control valve manifold
(view A).
(20) Remove three screws and lockwashers
securing front guard (view J) and remove guard.
(4) Tighten ten screws and lockwashers.
(21) Remove five screws and lockwashers
securing rear guard and bracket to underside of hull
(view K). Remove bracket and rear guard.
(1) Install six new blocks if repair is necessary
(view J and K).
(22) Remove six blocks, if necessary, for repair
(view J and K).
(2) Install bracket and rear guard to underside of
hull, and secure with five screws and lockwashers (view
(1) Disconnect two hoses from control valve
(3) Install front guard, and secure with three
manifold (view A).
screws and lockwashers (view J).
(2) Remove ten screws and lockwashers
(4) Install gasket, two access clamp plates, and
securing five lower tube brackets to underside of hull
elbows and secure with eight screws and lockwashers
(view B). Remove two tubes and hoses.
(view G).
(5) Install two flanges and packing to hose on
washers securing five brackets, and remove brackets
inside of access clamp plate, and secure with four
(view C).
screws and lockwashers (view I).
4-30. Inspection and Repair.