TM 9-2590-209-14&P
ment of the lever into one of its four positions will directly
a. 10-11. Operating Bulldozer in Hold Position
affect blade assembly accordingly.
M9 Bulldozer Operation.
Start engine and allow it to idle.
a. The majority of the operating procedures for
b. Push mechanical clutch handle to engaged
the early model bulldozer with mechanical clutch are
position (view A).
identical to those late model bulldozers with magnetic
clutch. The following text covers only those operating
c. Place vehicle shifting control in low gear,
procedures that are different from corresponding
and move blade assembly manual control lever to L
(lower) position (view B).
b. Do not use bulldozer as a ram. The blade
d. When blade assembly reaches desired
assembly must be used in a pushing technique rather
position, release control lever. It will automatically return
than a ramming action. When blade assembly becomes
to H (hold) position (view C).
loaded and it is necessary to turn vehicle, raise blade
assembly slightly. Do not lower blade assembly to the;
extent that it will stall the vehicle engine. Take only such
a cut as can be moved without stalling engine.
Always operate tank in low gear when
dozing. Keep the tank at a steady
c. When dozing moist earth or sticky material,
speed, raising or lowering the blade
keep blade assembly clean by keeping it at dozing level
assembly as required to compensate for
during the last few feet of forward travel, then shift into
uneven ground.
reverse and back up several feet before raising blade
10-12. Operating Bulldozer in Float Position (Fig 10-
Start engine and allow it to idle.
Start engine and allow to idle.
b. Push mechanical clutch handle to engaged
b. Push mechanical clutch handle to engage
position (view A).
position (view A).
c. Hold blade assembly control lever in L
Move control lever to R (raised) position
(lower) position (view B).
(view B).
d. When blade assembly touches ground,
d. Push carrying hook handle to disengage
move control lever to F (float) position (view C).
hooks (view C).
e. Move control lever to L (lower) position, and
lower blade assembly to full limit of travel (view D).
When the blade assembly control lever
is in the F (float) position, oil pressure
Raise and lower blade assembly several
has been diverted from the cylinders,
times. With blade in raised position, check oil level in
allowing the blade assembly to ride on
reservoir (view E). Replenish as necessary.
the ground with only its weight as
downward pressure.