environment such as an emplacement, site, or vehicle.
REPLACE-To replace unserviceable items with
The maintenance allocation chart indicates
serviceable assemblies, subassemblies, or parts.
specific maintenance operations performed at the
REPAIR-To restore an item to serviceable
proper maintenance levels, on the basis of time, tools,
condition. This includes, but is not limited to, inspection,
and skills normally available to various maintenance
cleaning, preserving, adjusting, replacing, welding,
levels in combat situations and influenced by
riveting, and strengthening.
maintenance policy and sound maintenance practices
OVERHAUL-To restore an item to a completely
as outlined below.
serviceable condition as prescribed by maintenance
Maintenance Functions.
serviceability standards using the Inspect with Repair
The maintenance allocation chart designates
Only as Necessary (IROANS technique.
overall responsibility for the maintenance function of an
REBUILD-To restore an item to a standard as
end item or assembly. Repair and / or overhaul of
nearly as possible to original or new condition in
major assemblies is designated by authority of the
appearance, performance, and life expectancy. This is
Commanding Officer, except for specific functions listed
accomplished through complete disassembly of the
in the maintenance allocation chart. Deviation from
item, inspection of all parts or components, repair or
maintenance operations allocated in the maintenance
replacement of worn or unserviceable elements (items)
allocation chart is authorized only upon approval of the
Commanding Officer. Maintenance functions will be
specifications, and subsequent reassembly of the item.
limited to and defined as follows:
INSPECT-To determine serviceability of an item
The capital letters listed below, placed in the
by comparing its physical, mechanical, and electrical
appropriate column, indicate the maintenance level
characteristics with established standards.
responsible for performing the particular maintenance
TEST-To verify serviceability and to detect
function. The symbol "% %" applies to organizational
electrical or mechanical failure by use of test equipment.
maintenance and indicates that the particular
SERVICE--To clean, to preserve, to charge,
maintenance function may be performed provided it is
and to add fuel, lubricants, cooling agents, and air.
specifically authorized by the direct support
ADJUST-To rectify to the extent necessary to
maintenance officer. Use of the symbol will apply only
bring into proper operating range.
to replacement of major assemblies and time
ALINE-To adjust specified variable elements of
consuming operations which are within the capabilities
an item to bring to optimum performance.
of organization, but over which control by the
CALIBRATE-To determine the corrections to be
commodity commands is considered essential. In no
made in the readings of instruments or test equipment
case will the direct support maintenance officer require
used in precise measurement.
Consists of the
the accomplishment of '" %" maintenance function by
comparison of two instruments, one of which is a
an organization or unit, and in no case will a "%%"
certified standard of known accuracy, to detect and
function authorize stockage of parts at organizational
adjust any discrepancy in the accuracy of the instrument
being compared with the certified standard.
INSTALL-To set up for use in an operational